how is your studies going on? can be replied as " it is going good"??
23. Juni 2019 15:45
Antworten · 8
1. The correct question is "How are your studies going?". Note that 'studies' is a plural noun, so it needs a plural verb: 'are', not 'is'. You don't need the word 'on' - when you're asking about the progress or success of something, you only need the question word 'How' and the verb 'go'. For example, "How is your job going?"or "How did your exam go?" 2. The correct answer is "They're going well". Because 'studies' is plural, you need to say 'They' (not 'It') and 'are going' (not 'is going). You also need to use the adverb 'well' rather than the adjective 'good'. This is because this word is modifying the verb 'go'. It sounds very uneducated to say that something is 'going good'.
23. Juni 2019
Good point, Kristine. You can hardly blame Fatma for copying something she hears on American media the whole time.
24. Juni 2019
Native speakers use good here all the time. Written and spoken English are 2 different things.
23. Juni 2019
Wrong. "good" is an adjective.
23. Juni 2019
It is going good😊
23. Juni 2019
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