멀어요 or 멀이에요? The sentence I'm wondering about is: 부산이 여기에서 멀어요? Can I also ask: 부산이 여기에서 멀이에요? If yes, what's the difference? If not, why?
23. Jan. 2020 17:43
Antworten · 3
*You can not say '멀이에요'. '이에요/예요' is only followed by a noun. But '멀' is a verb stem of '멀다'. e.g. ) 저는 한국 사람 (noun) + 이에요 --> 저는 한국 사람이에요. (I am Korean.) * The present polite ending '아요/어요' is conjugated with a verb stem. e.g. ) 예쁘 (the verb stem of 예쁘다) + 어요 --> 예뻐요. 제 친구는 예뻐요. (My friend is pretty.)
23. Januar 2020
Also, what we would consider adjectives, are often conjugated like verbs in Korean.
8. Februar 2020
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