can I say "duh" as well as "yes" or "of course" in spoken English? By the way, this comes from Billie Eilish's song "Bad guy"
8. Feb. 2020 10:45
Antworten · 3
I concur with Sharon's answer. Responding with "Duh" is quite insulting as it implies stupidity.
8. Februar 2020
I also agree with Sharon that to a closer friend this may not be rude, but otherwise it would be. Even with friends it can depend on tone of voice.
8. Februar 2020
'Duh' is a very sarcastic equivalent to 'of course', implying that the remark you are responding to was so obvious as to be completely stupid. You might get away with it to a close friend, but to anyone else it could appear fairly rude.
8. Februar 2020
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