怎麽用 "相對地" 例如:”大部分的商品廣告不會告訴你事實,相對地,他們想要為你創造出一個形象“,在這個句子“相對地”有什麽意思。怎麽用這個格局。 謝謝
20. Feb. 2020 15:51
Antworten · 8
22. Februar 2020
这里“相对地”是differently, otherwise的意思。 不知道你的句子来自何处。现在在中国大陆“相对地”这个词一般不会这样使用。在大陆,那里会用“相反(地)”这个词。 “相对地”意思和用法与relatively, comparatively基本相同(除了不能置于句尾)。
20. Februar 2020
This word here has similar meaning to “rather” in English that is used when you want to partially negate a statement. Most commercials don’t tell you the truth. Rather they try to create an image for you to see...
27. Februar 2020
For better translation, I think it means ”instead” in this sentence, therefore u may put it at the last of sentence in English. However, we use ”instead” as an adverb in a sentence in Chinese. I think we can also use ”反而” in this sentence which can convey the same message. Another situation u can apply 相對地 is to make comparison which has two meanings. One is relatively, another one is oppositely/In contrast. E.g 要精通中文很困難因為中文區分普通話和廣東話,學英文相對地比較簡單多。 It’s difficult to be proficient in Chinese as you need to differentiate Cantonese from Mandarin Chinese. In contrast, learning English is much more easy. 印刷書本十分不環保,使用電子書相對地會造成少一點浪費。 Using printed books is not environmentally friendly, it is better to use electronic books instead. I think I would tend to put 相對地 as an adverb inside a sentence because it is rather natural than as a adverb and put it at the beginning.
22. Februar 2020
相对地:当你想表达前后句子是“相反”的意思时,前后两句用来“比较”,可以用。 Hope it helps!
21. Februar 2020
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