Should I say “the rest is the same” or “the rest are the same”? Hi friends, In the following example, should I say “the rest IS the same” or “the rest ARE the same”? Is correct to say “remain / remains” the same? Which is more appropriate? I have changed only one paragraph of your report. The rest is the same. Thanks in advance, Niwantha
28. Mai 2020 03:00
Antworten · 5
I agree with Bill. In this context, "the rest" means "the rest of the report" [rest is uncountable here]. In a different context, such as apples [countable], "the rest [of the apples] are the same" is correct.
28. Mai 2020
In this context I prefer "The rest is the same", and I hear it as meaning "The rest of the report is the same."
28. Mai 2020
If you are referring to multiple things, use “are”. If you are referring to one thing, use “is”.
28. Mai 2020
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