Why Chinese has no pronoun for females and no plurals for nouns.
A Chinese teacher from Taiwan who claimed that Chinese is not the same as English, there is no pronoun for female such as she, and no plurals such as they are, you are, dogs, cats etc.,
歡迎你對我的任何說法 公開提出討論 互相切磋
1. "妳" 字 並不被中國大陸的語法學家所接受
2. 請注意 漢語也不會用 她們 您們 小狗們 小貓們等詞表示複數
3. Question to Italki: "老師 等同於 語言交換夥伴" sjzh 兄完全正確理解文本意涵 擊掌 拱手 但為何被評定 -5 我不解其中緣故 評定負分者 該給你一個理由 我似乎陷您於不義了 為sjzh兄平反 也建議 italki 限制評定負分者需提示理由 方得受理. I was wondering whether the responder for anaita998710 can read and understand Chinese. He states "歡迎你對我的任何說法 公開提出討論 互相切磋 " it means, he was requesting the question to be posted on Italki for public viewing. The questions in #1 and 2 are his own answers. It is a simple yes/no or true/false questions for the other viewers to verify. Questions # 3 is his own question to Italki. In answering to his own questions that claimed "提問者的語言環境不明 上下文缺乏 天外飛來一筆 便要求解釋 翻譯" In English, it means that he, the asker himself doesn't know the difference of the language because of the geographic location. Unfortunately, he demand himself to answer and explain.
Apparently, he was taking this opportunity to demonstrate to us that he is a Scholar, writing a long essay about his opinion on when, where are these Chinese words came from. He also claimed that everyone are Anthropomorphic for those who don't go along with him. In answer #6 paragraph 7, he quote: "引述一個寓言故事 還有 青蛙們呢 ", 青蛙們 it is the plurals for fork. Since his own answer in #1 is 漢語也不會用 她們 您們 小狗們 小貓們等詞表示複數. ( Chinese don't use 們 in represent plural). His statement is "USE". he use 們 to represent the forks in his quotation, which is contrary to his own answer in #1.
was: which is contrary to his own answer/statement in #1
Is: which is contrary to his own answer/statement in #2