Whats the differance between 再 and 又,再次 and 又次,再一次 and 又一次? Whats the differance between 再 and 又,再次 and 又次,再一次 and 又一次? I know they can all be used as again, but Im not sure on the differances or when to use which. Can you give me some examples of the different usages please? Thanks in advance!
30. Okt. 2009 22:44
Antworten · 7
example: 再: 1. 欢迎再来! 2.下次再来! 又: 1.您又来了? 2.我们又见面了。 再次:1.我很期待我们再次见面。 2.我再次声明,我在这里教你学中文不是收费的,而是相互学习。 又次:对不起,这个词在口语和书面语中不用,或者说不成立。 再一次:1.让我再来一次.。2.请你再说一次。 又一次:1.我又一次失败了。2.我又一次回答了你的问题。 连续造句: 你好!我们又见面了,再次见面让我觉得非常高兴,如果你有什么相同的问题我会再一次为你解答,虽然这会经历一次又一次的失败,但是,请不要灰心,学习中文需要耐心和坚持,好了,再见!我的朋友。 你是不是找到这些词了?理解它们在语句中的用法了?
31. Oktober 2009
Hi, my sister Beth. I didn’t respond to your question the moment I saw it, because it’s really a tricky one. I’ve been thinking about it since then, but it seems I still don’t know an exact answer to it. However, I can give you some general ideas. First, the expressions you’ve listed have the exact same meaning as 'again, another time, etc'. Except that there is no such expression as又次, so you may just forget about it. I think the essence of these expressions are about the differences between 再and 又. You know ‘goodbye’ in Chinese is 再见, so you can see from it that at some point再indicates ‘departure’. So, if you’re talking about something which are about to happen, generally you should use再. The most simple example would be:再见others are:希望我们可以再见面。/具体问题我们见面之后再谈。/什么时候可以再见到你?/那家餐厅很不错,我想改天再去一次。 又can be used when it is happening or has happened. As: 你好,我们又见面了。/经理刚才又过来了一趟。 Other than ‘again’, 又can also be used as ‘and’, eg. Beth的孩子聪明又可爱。 Some lively examples: Mother: 你怎么又跟人家打架了?(it is happening or has happened,又) Son: I’m so sorry. Mother: 你要是再敢跟人家打架,看我怎么收拾你!(an hypothesis into the future再) There is a very important feature of又I think you should know is that sometimes又 is more just about ‘again’. When using it, it shows the speaker’s negative emotion, like furiousness, sadness, anger, etc. Like the example I gave you:你怎么又跟人家打架了?/他考试又没通过。/他又感冒了。 There are just some general ideas as I understand the two words, however, exceptions are possible. As for 再次、再一次、又一次, as you can see from the number of the words, they are relatively less casual than just using再or又, often seen in writings or heard in presentations. About再、又、再次、再一次、又一次, if I keep typing like this, it would be a linguistics term paper. I think we can discuss more on skype, don’t you think? You may make up sentences with the word 'again’, and I’ll tell you which expressions among them are the most possible choices. I think it’s the best way to understand them.
1. November 2009
再次 the same as 再一次 means do it again 又次 the same as 又一次 we use 又一次often it means do the same things again what u did before
1. November 2009
再 are always used when you want do describe something that you do for the second time and with a positive emotion, however, 又 means that something been done for another time without emtion. My answer might not very good and not quite correct. Just a suggestion for you. example: 欢迎再来; 你怎么又来了? 他再一次击退了敌军;他又一次被骗了。
31. Oktober 2009
we can't say 又次,because 再次 is a fixed word combination to express something again
31. Oktober 2009
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