it's just a matter of smb + Ving What's the meaning of the construction? for e.g. 'It's just a matter of me saying that' or 'It's just a matter of him doing it'or probably there's no such construction in English?
20. Dez. 2009 14:57
Antworten · 3
Hi, these expressions are commonly used.
21. Dezember 2009
You can easily find people using "It's just a matter of." It's just a matter of visiting the right places. :) Or, "It's just a matter of pushing the right buttons." Or, "It's just a matter of asking the right people." Or, "It's just a matter of getting some fresh air." Or, "It's just a matter of working out a lot." Not that uncommon, really.
20. Dezember 2009
- It's simply / just a matter of being or doing... 'Fame is often simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time.' - It's a matter + noun: 'It's a matter of personal choice.' - It’s just / only a matter of 'time (before … ) 'It's surely / only / just a matter of time before he is found, isn't it? - It's correct to say 'it's just a matter of somebody doing something' but it is not common.
20. Dezember 2009
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