when i can say :"you are so sweet!" ?it means you are good person??
13. Mai 2010 02:23
Antworten · 13
Oh my bad I mean says or does something to or for you haha!
13. Mai 2010
When someone says something to you that makes you say "awwww" then you can say to them "you are so sweet!" For example, if someone bought you flowers, then you can call them SWEET.
13. Mai 2010
IF someone tell you that "You are soo sweet " it can have many meanings: as i can think about is those ..... 1 You are such a considerable person(you always think about other people) 2 You make people feel nice and comfortable(when doing things with you will feel easy and fine) 3 You always have a cute smile or charming look to others And i think "you are a good person" is also fine in the meanings
13. Mai 2010
It's a metaphor, figure of speech. when i think sweet i think good & nice and justt good things... so i guess it is to compliment someone in a cute way ^.^
1. Juni 2012
well i say it to anyone old or young boy or girl. i just told a girl "your so sweet!" because she left a nice comment on my facebook picture ^.^
1. Juni 2012
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