another long sentence, please kindly, anybody, explain that for me, appreciated!! As planners proceed through the planning process, they should refine the more general measures identified during the precrisis period, tailoring the measures to the specific objectives required at the mission level, the military and humanitarian tasks to be performed, and the application of effort against these tasks. what does this sentence mean? I could understand the first half, but confuse with the other half....
3. Juni 2010 08:44
Antworten · 2
That is quite a sentence. The key word to understand in this sentence is "measures". The sentence is talking about Measures of Effectiveness. Measures are tools the military uses to determine if a mission is effective or not. Measures are based on information that tells the planners how well the the operation is succeeding, how much effort it takes to accomplish tasks, whether the effort is worth the cost, etc. -the more general measures identified during the precrisis period...........these are the measures the military uses to determine ahead of time whether they should become involved in a humanitarian or military crisis. This is information about the political situation, other aid agencies, the involvement of other countries, georaphy, etc. -tailoring the measures to the specific objectives required at the mission level.......after the military has decided to intervene in a crisis they use other more precise information to measure the success or failure of the objectives of the mission: political, humanitarian, military, etc -the military and humanitarian tasks to be performed...........the military will measure the effectiveness of the humanitarian and military tasks that the soldiers perform and perhaps decide when it is time to end the mission - and the application of effort against these tasks..........they will measure the effort it takes to accomplish the tasks, whether it is too difficult for the military personnel, whether it is worth the cost, etc.
3. Juni 2010
try using google with your first language it could help, but it is related with people who are in charge of planning( organize events that could be either militari or humanitari that is people who help others in time of need for example with the catastrophic earthquake over Haiti) i hope it helped
3. Juni 2010
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