selfish, is a good word or a bad word?
22. Juli 2010 05:10
Antworten · 5
Selfish has a negative meaning. It means you don't care about anyone apart from yourself. A more positive word would be "self-assured" or "self-confident"
22. Juli 2010
we are all a little selfish... it s a bad word...
22. Juli 2010
"Selfish" as a word is neither good or bad. Selfishness as a trait is considered bad. However, sometimes in life it is necessary to be a little selfish.
23. Juli 2010
It is neither a good word or a bad word. It is just a word!
22. Juli 2010
selfish always related to bad but its not a bad word cause sometimes we should be selfish to understand there are few things in our life which we can't share to anyone.
22. Juli 2010
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