I need help in Turkmen language. Help me please!
30. Aug. 2010 18:39
Antworten · 3
I don't understand :@
14. Dezember 2011
privet ty deystwitelno uciş turkmeniskiy..yesli hoces pomogu..ya sama turkmenka
19. Oktober 2010
Here are some easy steps for learning Turkmen for free using Italki resources. 1. Find Language Partners - Click on 'Language Partners' to find a native speaker to practice oral communication or just to learn about other cultures. 2. Ask Questions - Have something specific you don't understand about another language? Click on Answers and get free help from the italki member community. 3. Discuss in Groups - Click on 'Groups' if you want to ask for help or offer help in a language. You can also discuss issues like culture, arts, society, travel or anything else you can think of. 4. View and Download Free Language Learning Resources - Click on 'Knowledge' and 'Resources' to get textbooks, podcasts, notes and other helpful guides. 5. Find a Language Teacher - You can find a professional teacher when you click on 'Language Teachers' to formally instruct you. Or you can hire a tutor to help you with your homework or materials. 6. Write a Notebook entry - Get helpful corrections from other native speakers for you Writing. Good luck !!!
31. August 2010
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