What is the difference between 感觉 and 觉得?
25. Sep. 2010 17:44
Antworten · 13
For what you feel: 感觉 can used as noun, for example: 冰冷的感觉. you can also use 感觉 as a verb, followed with noun/noun cause: 我感覺全是投機取巧 觉得 cannot be noun, used as verb: 我觉得很冷 For what you think, not about feeling, and followed with a noun/noun cause: you can use 觉得 as a verb: 我觉得(我)會勝利.
26. September 2010
感觉can be a noun (sensation)or a verb (feel). eg. as a noun :1.唤起令人愉快的感觉 awake a pleasant sensation as a verb: 2.你感觉如何? How do you feel? 觉得 is a verb, it means feel, be aware, sense, to think. eg. 1.not feel tired at all 一点不觉得累 2. don't think we have to tell him everything. 我觉得不必事事都告诉他。 3. He felt the plan to be unwise. 他觉得这个计划不妥当。
26. September 2010
“感觉" 1.can feel color by our eyes feel flavor by our tongues fell cold or hot 2.like "觉得" “觉得”:1.just your idea maybe is right maybe is wrong 2.for example: you feel happy you feel excited in Chinese one word maybe has different explanations and different words maybe have same explanation
26. September 2010
感觉 feel; perceive; become aware of 你感觉如何? How do you feel? 觉得 feel / think 我觉得这种药很有效。 I think/believe/feel think type of drug is very effective.
25. September 2010
Thanks for your explanations, I understand the difference much better now :)
25. September 2010
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