"I will bring it over" Can you explain it to me please? What is the meaning of over here?
24. Dez. 2010 09:18
Antworten · 5
to take something to some other place :P
24. Dezember 2010
Bring it over : To convey; to move; to carry or conduct. In distillation, the water . . . brings over with it some part of the oil of vitriol.
24. Dezember 2010
in this case "I will bring it over" is the same as "I will deliver it"
24. Dezember 2010
"over" means acrossing a certain of distance.so "I'll bring it over" means I will take it here to there.
24. Dezember 2010
you like my puppy? okay, I will bring it over when I go to Turkey.
24. Dezember 2010
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