我咖啡中的苍蝇-The Fly in my Coffee 我有几棵植物在一杯咖啡旁边。这个苍蝇喜欢植物但是最后在咖啡里死了。 I have a few plants near my cup of coffee. This fly likes the plants but ended up dying in my coffee.
7. März 2021 04:51
Korrekturen · 5
我咖啡中的苍蝇-The Fly in my Coffee 我的这杯咖啡旁有几棵植物。这只苍蝇喜欢这些植物,但是最后死在咖啡里了。 I have a few plants near my cup of coffee. This fly likes the plants but ended up dying in my coffee.
7. März 2021
我的咖啡中掉进一只苍蝇-The Fly in my Coffee 我放咖啡杯的旁边有一些植物。植物吸引来了苍蝇,但是最后在咖啡里淹死了一只。 I have a few plants near my cup of coffee. This fly likes the plants but ended up dying in my coffee.
7. März 2021
我咖啡中的苍蝇-The Fly in my Coffee 我有几棵植物在一杯咖啡旁边。这个苍蝇喜欢植物但是最后在咖啡里死了。 I have a few plants near my cup of coffee. This fly likes the plants but ended up dying in my coffee.
18. März 2021
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