This is a serious topic.I have seen a lot of people didn't get promoted before retireding. Most of them were hardworking during their career . We always hear others using a fuuny saying to decribe the type of people. It says that they are like cows who only eat grass,but provide milk for others. It gaves us a feeling that they were not treated fairly. In fact, they just spent many years understanding the rule of the society which some people have understood when they were very young. So, planning your career in a early age is very important. You should know that what you want to be when you grow up, then try your best to achieve the goal. They learn the knowledges and skills which can help them grow up. They avoid wasting time to entertain themselves. When they begin their career, they have a clear plan for for their furture. This is very different from the people who just do the duties that their bosses ask them to do. They get used to listen to others without thinking about their future. In that case, who will be get promoted?
31. Okt. 2024 07:27
Korrekturen · 1
This is a serious topic. I have seen a lot of people who didn't get promoted before retiring. Most of them were hardworking during their career. We always hear others using a funny saying to describe the type of people. It says "They are like cows who only eat grass, but provide milk for others." It gives us the feeling that they were not treated fairly. In fact, they just spent many years understanding the rules of society which some people have understood from when they were very young. So, planning your career at an early age is very important. You should know what you want to be when you grow up, then try your best to achieve the goal. They learn the knowledge and skills which can help them grow up. They avoid wasting time entertaining themselves. When they begin their career, they have a clear plan for their future. This is very different from those who just do the duties that their bosses ask them to do. They get used to listening to others without thinking about their future. In that case, who will get promoted?
31. Okt. 2024 08:07
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