1995 - 2004
Teacher, chairDeutsche Samstagsschule - Birmingham, GroßbritannienChildren, 3-13 years of age, also examination preparation.
1992 - 2003
Sessional German tutorBrasshouse Centre - Birmingham, GroßbritannienDifferent levels, but focussing on post A-level German teaching.
2002 - 2003
Sessional German tutorCentre for Modern Languages, The University of Birmingham - Birmingham, GroßbritannienDegree level German
2000 - 2002
German tutor, GCSE levelPriory School - Birmingham, Großbritannien16-19 year olds, examination preparation, GCSE and A-levels
1998 - 1999
Sessional German tutorLanguage Link - Birmingham, GroßbritannienBusiness German, in-house teaching at companies
1994 - 1994
Revision of "Living German", a German course bookHodder & Stoughton - Birmingham, Großbritannien