多様性を尊重し様々な国の人々と出会い言語と文化の違いを知ることは楽しいです。マルチリンガルを目指して現在も複数の言語の勉強中です。It's exciting to meet various people and culture. Enjoy diversity.
Ich als Lehrkraft
日本語教室講師として3年以上務めております。日本を知り楽しむ為の手助けをしたいと思います。I'm a tutor of Japanese language school for more than three years. I would like to help you to enjoy Japan.
Meine Stunden und mein Unterrichtsstil
日本語を通して楽しみを共有できる時間を作りたいと思っています。そして継続は力なり。I hope to share fun communication with you. And keep learning forever.
An amazing exchange of ideas with Haru-san! I learnt a lot from him as we talked about disability, the right to life and the ethics of having children, death and religion.
13. Dez. 2024
Nigel Tay
5 Japanisch Unterrichtsstunden
Had another great conversation with Haru-san about everything under the sun! About new year's greeting cards, freedom, ecology, self-interestedness and altruism, america and race relations.
4. Jan. 2025
Nigel Tay
5 Japanisch Unterrichtsstunden
Haru-san and I talked about Jared Diamond's books on the development and collapse of civilizations. Incredibly interesting conversation!
28. Dez. 2024
Bartek B
1 Japanisch Unterrichtsstunde
会話が良かったです。Harunori was able to correct my vocabulary when required but kept the flow going which made the conversation instructive and easy going.