こんにちは! わたしの名前(なまえ)は、 『はな』です。
日本で 生(う)まれ 育(そだ)って、今(いま)も 日本に 住(す)んでいます。
趣味(しゅみ)は、 家族(かぞく)で キャンプ(きゃんぷ)に 行(い)くことと、
刺(し)しゅうと 海外ドラマ(かいがいどらま)や 映画(えいが)を 見(み)ることです。
何(なに)よりも 笑(わら)うことや、 楽(たの)しいことが 大好(だいす)きです!
Hello! My name is Hana. I was born and raised in Japan, and I live in Japan.My favorite things to do are camping with my family, embroidery, and watching foreign dramas and movies.Most of all, I love to laugh and have fun.
Ich als Lehrkraft
以前(いぜん)、 ボランティア(ぼらんてぃあ)で 日本に 住(す)んでいる 外国人(がいこくじん)に 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えていました。
彼(かれ)らは 楽(たの)しく 会話(かいわ)を しながら、たくさんの 単語(たんご)や 表現(ひょうげん)を 覚(おぼ)えることが できました。
楽(たの)しむことが 一番(いちばん) 大切(たいせつ)だと 思(おも)います。
いろんな 話(はなし)を しながら、一緒(いっしょ)に 頑張(がんば)りましょう。
I used to teach Japanese as a volunteer to foreigners living in Japan. They were able to learn a lot of words and expressions while having a good conversation.The most important thing is to have fun. Let's talk about various things!!
Meine Stunden und mein Unterrichtsstil
フリートーク(ふりーとーく)が 中心(ちゅうしん)の レッスン(れっすん)です。
会話(かいわ)を しながら、 あなたの 文章(ぶんしょう)に 不自然(ふしぜん)な 部分(ぶぶん)が あれば、訂正(ていせい)します。
最初(さいしょ)は みんな たくさん 間違(まちが)えます。間違(まちが)いを 恐(おそ)れずに、たくさん話(はな)しましょう。
また、 みんなの日本語(にほんご)、 げんきなど、 いくつかの テキスト(てきすと)も ありますので、テキストを 使(つか)った レッスンも できます。
In my lessons, we mainly do free talk. During the conversation, if there are any unnatural parts in your sentences, I will correct them.Everyone makes a lot of mistakes at first. So don't be afraid to make mistakes. Let's talk a lot.I have textbooks such as Minna no Nihongo and Genki, so I can also give lessons using those.
Hana-San is super friendly and intelligent. I’m so embarrassed because although I know lots of Japanese words and grammar, and I can read fairly well. I’ve never had an opportunity to speak. She is very patient with me and can quickly and easily keep the conversation going. I’ve only had two lessons so far but I have scheduled for the next two months. And she is just the right conversation partner to patiently help me reach my goals. During conversation she diligently and quickly texts me the proper word or phrase for my reference. Hana-San is sharp, and a positive force, and I am encouraged by her patience and guidance. Happy!
18. Sep. 2024
Michael Korenchan
14 Japanisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
I've been chatting with はなさん for a few months in preparation for studying abroad in Japan; talking with her has been incredibly helpful in making conversation more comfortable. The conversations have been super fun and have made me much more confident as a Japanese speaker. Thanks so much!!
1. Sep. 2022
90 Japanisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
We had a fun chat talking about a bunch of different topics. The conversation flowed naturally and I felt really comfortable saying whatever was on my mind :) Hana is a great conversationalist!
14. Mai 2022
18 Japanisch Unterrichtsstunden
(Update: I’ve had 9 of my 10 lessons so far..one per week. I’m very happy that Hana-San was kind and patient enough to help me. My hearing and understanding have improved. I’m improving, more relaxed, and on my way to my goal. I booked five more lessons with her today. She always keeps the conversation going, and each lesson is more fun & interesting.)
Hana-San is super friendly and intelligent. I'm so embarrassed because although I know lots of Japanese words and grammar, and I can read fairly well. I've never had an opportunity to speak. She is very patient with me and can quickly and easily keep the conversation going. I've only had two lessons so far but I have scheduled for the next two months.
And she is just the right conversation partner to patiently help me reach my goals. During conversation she diligently and quickly texts me the proper word or phrase for my reference. Hana-San is sharp, and a positive force, and I am encouraged by her patience and guidance. Happy!
6. Nov. 2024
15 Japanisch Unterrichtsstunden
25. Okt. 2023
64 Japanisch Unterrichtsstunden
I've taken many semesters worth of Japanese classes and I've seen a lot of different iTalki teachers and after all these years Hanaさん was the only person that provided me with some very practical and useful tips. Hanaさん previously helped me to fix something with my pronunciation so that it'd be more natural. She's the only teacher that has pointed this out and done this for me. Additionally, she's the only teacher that pointed out that the nuances between using a particular word vs another for my age/generation. These are super helpful tips and I'm very appreciative to Hanaさん for that.