Graduate student with two years of teaching Japanese experience to foreigners all over the world
Chinesisch (Mandarin)
Graduate student with two years of teaching Japanese experience to foreigners all over the world
Über mich
Ich als Lehrkraft
Meine Stunden und mein Unterrichtsstil
Aus JapanLebt in Akita, Japan (01:03 UTC+09:00)
Über mich
italki-Lehrkraft seit 18. Jun 2021
Thema von InteresseMusikEssenFilmeReisenGesundheit
わたしは さきこです。I am Sakiko.
東京(とうきょう)の 日本語学校(にほんごがっこう)で、2年間(にねんかん)日本語(にほんご)を 教えた(おしえた) 経験(けいけん)が あります。
I have 2 years of teaching experience at a language school in Tokyo.
今は(いまは)大学院で(だいがくいんで) 日本語教育(にほんごきょういく)の 勉強(べんきょう)しています。
I am currently a graduate student and studying Japanese language education.
みなさんと レッスンで 会える(あえる)のを 楽しみ(たのしみ)にしています:)
I am very happy to support you learn Japanese and hope to see you in the lesson :)
<About me>
I like to bake breads and travel. I've been to the US, Australia, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Sweden and Finland.
I would love to hear about your culture and traditional events!
Meine Kreationen
Ich als Lehrkraft
みなさんが リラックスして 日本語(にほんご)が 練習(れんしゅう)できるように します。
はじめは 緊張(きんちょう)するかも しれません。でも、 いつもの 自分(じぶん)で レッスンに 参加(さんか)してくださいね。
I always make the lesson comfortable so that you can be relaxed during the lesson.
Even though you might get nervous at first, it is completely fine and normal. So just join the lesson as the way you are.
Meine Stunden und mein Unterrichtsstil
My lesson is mainly focused on output and I will talk in Japanese most of the time.
*Since my schedule is tentative, it might be modified.
*Please let me know if you have a preferred date.
Sakiko Sensei is a great teacher. Thanks to her my Japanese has improved significantly. She is always willing to help and makes every lesson interesting.
6. Jan. 2024
Kexin Zhang
46 Japanisch Unterrichtsstunden
She is a very patient and nice teacher. I like this lesson very much. ありがとうございました❤️
12. März 2022
Marshall Philips
34 Japanisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
Sakiko先生 is a very good teacher. Very patient and she always constructs useful lessons. Also, her English is very good so it makes it easy to give corrections and keeps the lesson moving. I would recommend Sakiki先生。