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Lerne Japanisch online mit zertifizierten Lehrern und Muttersprachlern

Unsere Japanischlehrer und Tutoren sind erfahren und leidenschaftlich daran interessiert, den Schülern zu helfen, ihre Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern. Egal, ob du Anfänger bist oder bereits fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse hast, unsere Plattform bietet dir eine flexible und bequeme Möglichkeit, von zu Hause aus zu lernen.

Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer YUMIKO.

296 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Hello everyone! I hope I can help with your Japanese study!!! I've been giving private lesson since 2017. I'm friendly and honest teacher. always do my best to help you! I'm passionate about helping students to understand complicated topics. I am very flexible so please feel free to contact me. I will do my best and try to make a curriculum. I'm working Japanese company.so I have vocabulary and expression of business manner. I have experience teaching grammar of JLPT.I am patient patiently. I can teach you about the following things. ・Natural Daily Conversation ・Grammar ・JLPT ・Business manner, Business terms and KEIGO.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Keiko.

596 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I'm a qualified Japanese teacher with two-year experience on italki. I've been teaching the local students English for over 27 years and I find teaching very exciting. Now I am also a qualified Japanese teacher and I've been teaching on italki since 2020. On this platform I've met wonderful learners and I enjoy teaching everyday. It's so much fun to talk with people from different countries. I'm patient, cheerful and friendly. So please don't be nervous and have fun with me.

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Chiemi.

2 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I've been teaching Japanese for 4 years. I've been teaching Japanese for four years. When I was a student, I worked as a tutor and cram school instructor for English, mathematics. I also volunteered for four years reading to students in the morning at an elementary school and worked in after-school childcare. I'm a member of a Japanese language club as part of a city volunteer activity. The ages of my students range from 9 to 70 years old. I’m very happy to receive feedback from students who enjoy my lessons, hear about their success in passing JLPT N3, and heard from those who are working hard to aim for N1.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Osamu.

827 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Before teaching Japanese on itelki, I began to learn English conversation here. Still now I'm struggling for improvement of my English skills. I know well how difficult learning conversation in a new languages is. I'm a professor of a national university in Japan. Since 1999, I've been teaching educational psychology and data analysis and so on. And I've been teaching Japanese here since August 2018. I can say that I have a lots teaching experience.

USD 6.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Mayumi Sensei.

336 Stunden

Mayumi Sensei

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Bilingual & Certified JAPANESE teacher with three years of experience Hello, my name is Mayumi, and I am a bilingual (Japanese and English) and certified Japanese tutor. I got a qualification as a Japanese teacher from the experience of working in a foreign company for more than 10 years, and now I am teaching Japanese everyday. I started to learn English after I graduated the Univercity (when I was 28..), so I can understand how hard to naturally speak another language! For my lesson, from basic to upper intermediate level are especially welcome! (JLPT target: N2 to N5) . Only conversation is also welcome! I can teach dependes on your level and needs. In my lesson, YOU CAN USE ENGLISH ANYTIME.

USD 10.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer RIO in USA.

1,526 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

A licensed teacher from Japan living in the US for 20 years 😊 Take action! Learn Japanese! I’m a very patient, encouraging, and dedicated licensed teacher from Japan living in the US for 20 years. I also completed the 420 Hour Advanced Japanese Teacher Training Course. I dearly hope to help students at all levels become masters of the Japanese language for both personal and professional reasons. Speaking a new language can be challenging and sometimes frustrating since many of us are shy about trying and are worried about making mistakes. I will help you get comfortable with speaking Japanese in a relaxed environment and make learning fun and enjoyable!

USD 8.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Azumi.

498 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

★フリートーク/履歴書・ESのアドバイス/面接の練習(模擬面接)★ I’d like to help you with speaking and listening. If you just want to have a conversation, let’s talk about variety of things. If you’re a beginner, you can start learning greetings/Hiragana letters/simple words/simple sentences and so on. 少(すこ)しの英語(えいご)とスペイン語(ご)を使(つか)って助(たす)けることができます。 I can help you learn Japanese in English( little bit) and Spanish. puedo ayudarte a aprender japonés en inglés(un poco) y español. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ※会社員でもあるので会話を通じてビジネスメールの書き方や資料に関しても相談に乗れます。職務経歴書や履歴書の書き方、面接対策など。 Job interview preparation/ Resume support

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Tutihashi Satoshi土橋諭.

1,660 Stunden

Tutihashi Satoshi土橋諭

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I usually analyze the student's profile to be able to teach in the best possible way. I am very patient and attentive. As a Community tutor, I like to teach taking questions from students. My teaching method focuses on practicing conversation, using casual language to simulate daily conversation. Vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, and grammar are taught naturally as the conversation evolves.

USD 6.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 13:30 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Hitomi☺︎.

200 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

First of all, Let’s enjoy chatting with using Japanese :) It is the most important thing! ●日本企業(にほんきぎょう)に3社務めた(つとめた)経験(けいけん)があります。 ビジネスで使える(つかえる)フレーズ、メールの交わし方(かわしかた)など教えること(おしえる)ができます。 ●子供(こども)に語学(ごがく)を教える(おしえる)資格(しかく)を持って(もって)います。 今まで(いままで)5人の10代のjapanese mix の子供を指導(しどう)しました。 ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字(かんじ)など基本(きほん)からの指導も可能(かのう)です。 *experience: I worked in Japanese companies for 6 years. I can teach you how to have conversation with your colleagues and mail to your boss and customers *qualification:J-SHINE Teaching english for elementary school students. I can do beginner lessons how to make simple sentences with using Hiragana or alphabet. also, I have taught 5 Japanese mix students are around 10 years old.

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer ☆〜 Amy sensei ☆〜.

1,161 Stunden

☆〜 Amy sensei ☆〜

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

🌟 Welcome KIDS & ADULTS 🌟 JLPT 🌟 👩 I know that it’s difficult to learn languages. So I make a promise that you support to provide lesson✨I am flexible and adapt to the student's level and objectives. I will share my knowledge and experience with you and I can teach you easy to understand study methods. ✨ KIDS ARE WELCOME ✨ ・ I arrange textbook and some activities for KIDS!! ・ Textbook fee INCLUDE at the lesson fee.

USD 12.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Shoko Y.

610 Stunden

Shoko Y

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Japanese for Beginners 🟩In Shoko’s class…🟩 🔸You express your ideas in Japanese and have fun. 🔸I speak in Japanese, but if you want me to express in English, I can translate. 🔸I prepare teaching materials. 🟩You’ll achieve your goals such as…🟩 🔸You will master Japanese while having fun. 🔸You will understand Japanese grammar. 🔸You will talk with Japanese speakers fluently.

USD 10.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Seiko.T.

1,004 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I am so excited to be able to help students in their language journey. I have no certification in teaching. However, I've been teaching Japanese on italki as a community tutor since March of 2015. My experience which I've been learning English and Korean language has positive impacts. I understand that learning language can be confusing, but I believe in making learning relaxed and fun. I'm just happy to have the chance to help you along your way.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 11:00 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer るな先生.

574 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Everyone is welcome in my lesson I have an official 日本語教師 Japanese Teaching certificate ー I have studied at a Japanese Language Institute in Tokyo for about a year before I started teaching. (PLEASE study Hiragana and Katakana before taking my lesson).

USD 9.80/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer MASUKO.


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

日本の日本語学校で2年、台湾の塾で4年、日本語を教えてきました。小さい子供から大人までいろんな人たちを教えてきました。初級・中級・上級・フリートーク すべて対応可能です。教えた学生さんたちが日本へ留学したり、ワーキングホリデイに行ったり、日本語能力テストに合格したりすることがわたしの一番の喜びです!

USD 8.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer みお♪.

298 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I currently not accepting any more students as a moment…I will accept more students in December:) I’m qualified to teach Japanese and currently working in Japanese language school as a teacher. I want everyone to have lots of fun during my lessons !

USD 10.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Mayo 面接の日本語.

1,410 Stunden

Mayo 面接の日本語

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Specialist for Business Japanese and Job Interview Preparation 私の教師としての強みは以下の通りです。 1. 日本語学習者が敬語で間違えやすいポイントがよく分かっています 2. 約3年間、様々な分野の社会人を教えてきたので、いろいろな職業の話題について話をすることができます 3. 人事部で働いた経験があるので、面接を受ける人が何を準備するべきか知っていること 4. 日本語教師以外には6年間のビジネスパーソンとしての経験があること(人事部や旅行業界の仕事) My strengths as a teacher include: 1. I understand the points where learners of Japanese are likely to make mistakes in honorific expressions. 2. having taught working people in various fields for about three years, we can talk about a variety of professional topics. 3. having worked in human resources, I know what candidates should be prepared for. 4. apart from teaching Japanese, I have 6 years of experience as a business person (working in HR and in the travel industry)

USD 30.00/Stunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Hikaru.

1,124 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

🌸Certified Japanese Teacher for Beginner to Advance level My job is to teach Japanese, at the Japanese school, both physically and online. I have experience teaching from children to adults, from beginners to advanced level . 私の仕事は日本語学校で日本語を教えることです。教室でも、オンラインクラスでも教えたことがあります。 私は子どもから大人までの学生さんに初級から上級までのレベルの日本語を教えたことがあります。

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Hiromi ひろみ.

620 Stunden

Hiromi ひろみ

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Let's learn "Natural Japanese" ▶【日常会話/話し言葉/上級会話/超上級会話】🌻일본어로 즐겁게 이야기 나눠요😊 I completed all the requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course (420 hours above) in June 2022. My lesson is mainly for intermediate to advanced learners. While having conversation, I'll correct grammatical errors and teach appropriate/natural expressions, new words etc. I'll write in the chat box so that you can review. 편안한 분위기로 이야기 나누며 재미있게 수업하도록 하겠습니다. 자연스럽지 못한 문장이나 표현, 발음 등이 있다면 수업 중에 제대로 알려드리겠습니다. 중상급자 분께는 뉴스나 여러 기사를 읽으면서 다양한 일본어 표현을 배울 수 있는 수업도 가능합니다. 主に中級者から上級者の方向けにレッスンを行っています。 会話レッスンが得意です。日本人のように自然に話せるようにサポートいたします。 2021年1月からオンラインで教えていますが、italkiには2021年7月に登録しました。 2022年6月に420時間日本語教師養成講座を修了し、講師資格を取得しました。

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Saori.

21 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I am a native speaker who enjoys teaching spoken Japanese. I haven't taught Japanese in a classroom set up to adults, but have been a teacher with a Japanese elementary school. I love to answer language questions from my friends who are learning Japanese as a foreign language. Sometimes when I don't know the answer, I try to find them from the internet or a book. This attitude towards language learning will surely work well in my lesson. If you are looking at grammar specific lessons then I would recommend you to study from professional teachers.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Machiko.

899 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Qualified teacher with a master’s degree and solid teaching experience both in Japan and the UK I'm a qualified Japanese teacher completing the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language course, passing the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test, and earning a master's degree in Translation Studies at SOAS, University of London. So far, I’ve been involved in several linguistic projects like translation, localisation and annotation for NLP. I specialise in the area of connotation, implication, and nuance of words and sentences. I’ve been teaching Japanese to learners of various levels, first languages, and professional backgrounds. It's given me the chance to meet amazing people from all around the world. I’ve also learnt a lot from them. I love it! : )

USD 10.00/Probestunde
Ihre letzte Zahlung wird in US-Dollar getätigt

Hast du Fragen? Kein Problem!

Bei Italki legen wir großen Wert auf die Auswahl und Qualifikation unserer Japanischlehrer. Alle unsere Japanischlehrer sind Muttersprachler oder zertifizierte zweisprachige Sprecher von Japanisch. Sie haben einen strengen Bewerbungsprozess durchlaufen, der eine Bewertung ihrer Lehrerfahrung, Qualifikationen und Sprachkenntnisse beinhaltet.

Selbstverständlich! Bei Italki bieten wir dir die Möglichkeit, zwischen Einzelunterricht und Gruppenkursen zu wählen. Du kannst die Option wählen, die am besten zu deinen Lernpräferenzen und Zielen passt. Der Einzelunterricht ermöglicht dir individuelle Aufmerksamkeit und maßgeschneiderte Lerninhalte, während die Gruppenkurse dir die Möglichkeit bieten, mit anderen Lernenden zu interagieren und gemeinsam zu lernen.

Ja, unsere Japanischkurse sind für Anfänger geeignet. Egal, ob du noch keine Vorkenntnisse hast oder bereits erste Schritte im Japanischen gemacht hast, unsere Lehrkräfte passen den Unterricht an dein Sprachniveau an. In den Anfängerkursen legen wir besonderen Wert auf die Grundlagen der japanischen Sprache, einschließlich Grammatik, Vokabular und Aussprache.

Um deine Japanischkenntnisse zu verbessern, empfehlen wir dir regelmäßiges Üben und aktive Auseinandersetzung mit der Sprache. Neben dem Unterricht bei unseren qualifizierten Lehrkräften kannst du auch außerhalb des Unterrichts Japanisch üben, zum Beispiel durch Lesen von Büchern, Hören von Hörbüchern oder Musik auf Japanisch und aktive Konversation mit Muttersprachlern. Je mehr du dich mit der Sprache beschäftigst und sie im Alltag anwendest, desto schneller wirst du Fortschritte machen.

Ja, bei Italki kannst du Japanisch in deinem eigenen Tempo lernen. Unsere flexiblen Unterrichtszeiten ermöglichen es dir, deinen eigenen Stundenplan festzulegen und Unterrichtseinheiten zu buchen, die zu deinem Lernfortschritt und deiner Verfügbarkeit passen. Unsere Lehrkräfte passen den Unterricht an dein individuelles Tempo und deine Lernziele an, damit du in deinem eigenen Rhythmus lernen kannst. Wir glauben daran, dass jeder Lernende einzigartig ist und einen individuellen Ansatz für den Spracherwerb benötigt.

Bereit, wirklich Japanisch zu lernen? Mach den ersten Schritt und buche noch heute eine Probestunde mit einem unserer erfahrenen Japanischlehrer.

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