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Lerne Japanisch online mit zertifizierten Lehrern und Muttersprachlern

Unsere Japanischlehrer und Tutoren sind erfahren und leidenschaftlich daran interessiert, den Schülern zu helfen, ihre Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern. Egal, ob du Anfänger bist oder bereits fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse hast, unsere Plattform bietet dir eine flexible und bequeme Möglichkeit, von zu Hause aus zu lernen.

Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Wako.

567 Stunden


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Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

🌸🌸Take lessons from a teacher with a master's degree in Japanese education! 大学院で日本語教育学を専攻し、日本語教育能力検定試験にも合格しているプロの日本語教師です。 これまで13年間日本語を教えてきましたが、学生さんたちは年齢も国籍も学習目的も様々でした。 私のモットーは楽しく教えることです。 授業の中では生徒さんに笑ってほしい、喜んでほしいと思っています。 I am professional Japanese teacher. I have a master's degree in Japanese linguistics and passed Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test. I have taught Japanese for 13 years now, from biginner to advanced. I taught students from many countries, such as Korea, China, Thaiand, Banguladesh, Italy, France, UK, India, USA...and more!!! My motto is to teach Japanese fun. I always wish my students to have fun and feel happy.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Yuu.

116 Stunden


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Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I love the Japanese language. Let's be friends :) ☆日本語教育能力検定試験合格 ☆日本語教師養成講座(420+H)修了 日本の専門学校(デザイン系・観光系)の留学生クラスで、2年間日本語を教えました。 ・JLPT対策(N1〜N3) ・就職対策(面接や履歴書の書き方など) ・自然で美しい文章の書き方 ・ニュースについて話し合って会話力をアップ 現在、個人レッスンとしてオンラインで海外の日本語学習者に日本語を教えています。 ・日本語の作文の添削 ・ビデオ通話や音声通話で会話力をアップ ・JLPT対策(問題提供・添削・解説)  →→多くの学生がN1に合格しました!

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Mei.

1,161 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Customized,Relaxed,Professional,All level welcome I know the best way to become fluent is to practice speaking Japanese regularly. I'm a very understanding of people learning another language because I have been learning other languages too. Don't be shy and afraid to make mistakes. I’m here to help and support you to learn Japanese in a related environment. Let's enjoy learning Japanese together, I will assist you to achieve your goals! 日本語を定期的に話す練習をすることが、 日本語を流暢に話す一番の方法ですね! 私自身も他の言語を学んでいるので、 言語を学んでいる人に対して、とても理解があります。 リラックスした中で、正しい日本語を学んで、 目標を達成出来る様にサポートしていきます。一緒に日本語を楽しみましょう!

USD 15.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Mitch.

1,626 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch
Chinesisch (Mandarin)

ENG: HI! I'm a professional translator and a language teacher. I teach Japanese to Spanish, Mandarin, and English Speakers. 現役翻訳家&外国語講師。現在英語を個人・小学校で教えているほか、中国語、日本語も教えています。 ES: ¡Hola! Soy traductor y profesor de idiomas profesional. Enseño japonés.

USD 18.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Chiemi.

2 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I've been teaching Japanese for 4 years. I've been teaching Japanese for four years. When I was a student, I worked as a tutor and cram school instructor for English, mathematics. I also volunteered for four years reading to students in the morning at an elementary school and worked in after-school childcare. I'm a member of a Japanese language club as part of a city volunteer activity. The ages of my students range from 9 to 70 years old. I’m very happy to receive feedback from students who enjoy my lessons, hear about their success in passing JLPT N3, and heard from those who are working hard to aim for N1.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Tatsuya.

7,758 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

日本語講師になって7年目です 前に日本語を学んでいる友人達に教え方を褒められ、italkiの先生になることを勧められました。2018年の6月からitalkiで教えています。 大学は教育学部を卒業し、日本の学習塾で小学生〜高校生に教えていた経験があります。これらの経験から学んだことは教える内容が何であれ、そこには必ず寄り添う気持ちと諦めない根気が必要だということです。同じことを何度聞かれても丁寧に答え、理解できるまで協力します。

USD 11.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer YUMIKO.

296 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Hello everyone! I hope I can help with your Japanese study!!! I've been giving private lesson since 2017. I'm friendly and honest teacher. always do my best to help you! I'm passionate about helping students to understand complicated topics. I am very flexible so please feel free to contact me. I will do my best and try to make a curriculum. I'm working Japanese company.so I have vocabulary and expression of business manner. I have experience teaching grammar of JLPT.I am patient patiently. I can teach you about the following things. ・Natural Daily Conversation ・Grammar ・JLPT ・Business manner, Business terms and KEIGO.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Yuki.

2,403 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Japanese teacher in Germany! Fun to learn! My teacher experience. - 1 year in Scotland - 8 years in Germany (6 years online, more than 200 Students and over 5000 classes) - JLPT Preparation - Preparation for study in Japan I teach Japanese from beginner to advanced and age from 4 years old to adults(over 80 y'o). I also worked at Japanese pre-school as Japanese teacher in Germany. So, I can also teach Japanese to Japanese or mixed roots children who born/live in out of Japan. I believe that all students have own goal and way to learn. I'm very flexible to teach Japanese and follow your idea. Let's start study Japanese with me! Please be free to contact me or book my lesson. You will enjoy to learn Japanese.

USD 14.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Mayo 面接の日本語.

1,410 Stunden

Mayo 面接の日本語

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Specialist for Business Japanese and Job Interview Preparation 私の教師としての強みは以下の通りです。 1. 日本語学習者が敬語で間違えやすいポイントがよく分かっています 2. 約3年間、様々な分野の社会人を教えてきたので、いろいろな職業の話題について話をすることができます 3. 人事部で働いた経験があるので、面接を受ける人が何を準備するべきか知っていること 4. 日本語教師以外には6年間のビジネスパーソンとしての経験があること(人事部や旅行業界の仕事) My strengths as a teacher include: 1. I understand the points where learners of Japanese are likely to make mistakes in honorific expressions. 2. having taught working people in various fields for about three years, we can talk about a variety of professional topics. 3. having worked in human resources, I know what candidates should be prepared for. 4. apart from teaching Japanese, I have 6 years of experience as a business person (working in HR and in the travel industry)

USD 30.00/Stunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Tenta Nakatani.

21 Stunden

Tenta Nakatani

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I’m born and raised Osaka so I speak Kansai dialect if you want to, I can teach this dialect as well 授業では楽しむことを1番に一緒に日本語の勉強のお手伝いをしたいです。もし日本語が少ししか話せなくても英語での解説を交えながら日本語を学ぶ事ができます。 I think enjoying is most important to learn new languages so I want to help you learn Japanese. Please don’t worry, if you are not good at speaking Japanese, you can learn with explanation in English.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Ken.

24 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Don't worry! Relax and have fun studying Japanese!✨✨Let me guide your language learning journey🛫 I have experience at a Japanese school and online lessons 🎈 <Student level🗼> Beginner, intermediate or advanced <Class speed🗼> slowly, quickly etc. I provide lessons tailored to each individual. Teaching Japanese is not my purpose. My purpose in teaching Japanese is to make your life more wonderful through Japanese. Because of your improved Japanese, you will be able to understand anime and manga, your trip to Japan will be a lot of fun, and you will be able to go to study abroad! I want you to be able to understand Japanese and make your life even more wonderful! Let's learn Japanese together! !✨✨

USD 6.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Ayano Vtuberproducer.

3,626 Stunden

Ayano Vtuberproducer

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Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I was a game company worker! I'm a top 1% italki teacher who teaches real (&otaku/Vtuber) Japanese! I teach real, natural and practical Japanese in very effective ways. I don't use unnatural Japanese such as 私の名前は (watashino namae wa) ! So you will be able to speak like native speakers! If you need to use English in our lesson, we can do so. No worries! However, let's use Japanese as much as possible for your learning, of course. Feel free to ask me other requests and questions!

USD 14.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer KANA.

2,686 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS WITH ME🚀!! Feedback from every lesson is highly praised👩🏻‍💻❣️ Experienced JAPANESE teacher🇯🇵 👩🏻‍💻My lessons are perfect for a person who... ・thinks Japanese is difficult... 🫣 ・wants to practice daily conversation in Japanese in a fun way🤗 ・wants to have discussions in Japanese🗣️ ・prepares for a trip to Japan🧳 ・prepares for the JLPT📝(N5〜N1) ・wants to enjoy life in Japan comfortably🗼 ・is interested in Japanese culture and history👘 ・loves Japan🇯🇵 🤝I always support and encourage you with my 120%❣️ 📗All levels are welcome!! from complete beginner to fluently advanced learner🤩

USD 12.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 04:00 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Hiro.

1,981 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I have been teaching Japanese on italki since 2017. Since then, I have been receiving great feedback from my students. Their feedback has made me more dedicated to teaching Japanese. Each student has different goals and interests. So my lessons are 100% personalized according to the student's needs and levels. I make a friendly and easy-going atmosphere during our session so that students feel comfortable. I don't want to be just a teacher but also want to be your best language partner and personal guide to reach your goal!

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Veronika.

18 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

A friendly and talkative teacher of Russian and Japanese:) I have many students off-line, and we enjoy a conversation class. I want my students to spend a great time while learning, not only to get some new information, but also to release some stress from work and have a lot of of positive emotions. Also what I consider important is to help students learn some new vocabulary during the class, as I think it can be the most difficult part when you struggle with language learning. So I suggest to learn new words and practice them immediately by using those words during the class in different forms.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Ikuko.

1,223 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I have taught my students before I became a Italki tutor. I have a clear, neutral Japanese accent which can be understood all over Japan. According to your needs, goal and your level, I will customize our lessons.

USD 8.60/Probestunde
Verfügbar 12:30 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Tomoko Suda.

187 Stunden

Tomoko Suda

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Beginner to Business Japanese/ Speak English/英語でも教えられます。ビギナーからビジネスまでokです! I worked at the trading company(import and export company) after worked at Advertising agency(sales and marketing dept) 10 years. Now I'm self employed. I love to study & teach language because I like study about culture difference. My first job was trading company so, I had to communicate to many countries people.I've been studying English for more than 10 years.(I had study abroad US and Australia.)It's not easy for me but I got English teaching license for TESOL &TECSOL.I’m preparing to pass Japanese teachers qualification.So, I’ve got to know how teach language, then I really want to teach Japanese. Now I'm teaching for kids and adults mainly.( beginner to Advance)

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 06:00 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Masa.

894 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch
Chinesisch (Mandarin)
Filipino (Tagalog)

As a language learner, I totally understand how the student feel when learning a language. The reason why I became a teacher is because I wanted to help those people who struggle learning Japanese. I believe that the way to study language is not only one way. Each of us have to find our best way. I'm hoping to assist the student to be able to find the most effective and fun way of learning Japanese.

USD 45.00/Stunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Satomi.

2,963 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

★Top 1% of Japanese teacher in 2022★ Certified Japanese Teacher for both adults and children Me as a Teacher I completed "Japanese Language Teacher training course (420hours)" and "Training to teach children Japanese". I have taught at Japanese language school for 5+ years. Before working as a teacher, I had taught Japanese to foreigners as a volunteer. I have studied abroad in Canada, therefore I understand how difficult it is to learn a foreign language. Based on these my experiences, I think of what student's needs and wants are and support them in my lessons.

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Harue.


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Let's free conversation! I grew up in Kanagawa prefecture next to Tokyo, so I speak standard Japanese . I worked in human resources department of a Japanese company for about 20 years.I can also tell you about the business culture in Japan. When I lived in Shanghai, I taught Japanese to students. 我是在东京旁边的神奈川县长大的,所以说日语的标准语。 大学毕业后在日本企业的人事部门工作了大概20年。因此也可以教日本的商务文化。 住在上海的时候,教过学生日语。 私は東京の隣の神奈川県で育ちましたので、日本語の標準語を話します。 大学を卒業後は日本の企業の人事部門でおよそ20年仕事をしていました。そのため日本のビジネス文化も教えることができます。 上海に住んでいたとき、学生に日本語を教えていたことがあります。

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Ihre letzte Zahlung wird in US-Dollar getätigt

Hast du Fragen? Kein Problem!

Bei Italki legen wir großen Wert auf die Auswahl und Qualifikation unserer Japanischlehrer. Alle unsere Japanischlehrer sind Muttersprachler oder zertifizierte zweisprachige Sprecher von Japanisch. Sie haben einen strengen Bewerbungsprozess durchlaufen, der eine Bewertung ihrer Lehrerfahrung, Qualifikationen und Sprachkenntnisse beinhaltet.

Selbstverständlich! Bei Italki bieten wir dir die Möglichkeit, zwischen Einzelunterricht und Gruppenkursen zu wählen. Du kannst die Option wählen, die am besten zu deinen Lernpräferenzen und Zielen passt. Der Einzelunterricht ermöglicht dir individuelle Aufmerksamkeit und maßgeschneiderte Lerninhalte, während die Gruppenkurse dir die Möglichkeit bieten, mit anderen Lernenden zu interagieren und gemeinsam zu lernen.

Ja, unsere Japanischkurse sind für Anfänger geeignet. Egal, ob du noch keine Vorkenntnisse hast oder bereits erste Schritte im Japanischen gemacht hast, unsere Lehrkräfte passen den Unterricht an dein Sprachniveau an. In den Anfängerkursen legen wir besonderen Wert auf die Grundlagen der japanischen Sprache, einschließlich Grammatik, Vokabular und Aussprache.

Um deine Japanischkenntnisse zu verbessern, empfehlen wir dir regelmäßiges Üben und aktive Auseinandersetzung mit der Sprache. Neben dem Unterricht bei unseren qualifizierten Lehrkräften kannst du auch außerhalb des Unterrichts Japanisch üben, zum Beispiel durch Lesen von Büchern, Hören von Hörbüchern oder Musik auf Japanisch und aktive Konversation mit Muttersprachlern. Je mehr du dich mit der Sprache beschäftigst und sie im Alltag anwendest, desto schneller wirst du Fortschritte machen.

Ja, bei Italki kannst du Japanisch in deinem eigenen Tempo lernen. Unsere flexiblen Unterrichtszeiten ermöglichen es dir, deinen eigenen Stundenplan festzulegen und Unterrichtseinheiten zu buchen, die zu deinem Lernfortschritt und deiner Verfügbarkeit passen. Unsere Lehrkräfte passen den Unterricht an dein individuelles Tempo und deine Lernziele an, damit du in deinem eigenen Rhythmus lernen kannst. Wir glauben daran, dass jeder Lernende einzigartig ist und einen individuellen Ansatz für den Spracherwerb benötigt.

Bereit, wirklich Japanisch zu lernen? Mach den ersten Schritt und buche noch heute eine Probestunde mit einem unserer erfahrenen Japanischlehrer.

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