Everyone who learns Russian is faced with the concept of gender. It is very important in Russian and if you want to have good grammar in your speaking or writing you should know which gender the word belongs to.
There are three genders in Russian: masculine, feminine, and neuter. By the well-known rule nouns which end in -а, or -я are feminine. Nouns ending in -о, -ё, or -е are neuter, and the rest of the nouns are masculine. But each rule has an exception...
At first sight it may seem that these nouns are feminine but these words are neuter.
Ten neuter nouns ending in -мя:
время - time
бремя - burden
имя - name
вымя - udder
знамя - banner
пламя - flame
племя - tribe
семя - seed
стремя - stirrup
темя – sinciput
The nouns “дитя” (child), “такси” (taxi) are also neuter.
The noun “Кофе” (coffee) is masculine but nowadays it is also used as neuter. Чёрный кофе (black coffee), Молочное кофе (milk coffee).
The gender of nouns ending in sizzling consonants ж, ч, ш, щ
When nouns end with a sizzling consonant and there is no ь after the consonant it is masculine.
15 masculine nouns with sizzling consonant:
малыш - baby, kid
багаж - luggage
ёж - hedgehog
плащ – cloak, raincoat
нож – knife
ключ - key
карандаш - pencil
мяч - ball
пляж - beach
товарищ – companion
душ – shower
экипаж - crew
плач - cry
врач - doctor
смерч - tornado
When the noun ends with a sizzling consonant and there is ь after the consonant it is feminine.
15 feminine nouns with sizzling consonant:
- дочь - daughter
- мелочь – trifle, small change
- дрожь – shiver
- брошь – brooch
- мощь - power
- ночь – night
- мышь – mouse
- тишь – silence
- ложь – false, lie
- вещь – thing
- помощь - help
- речь - speech
- глушь - back country
- горечь - bitterness
- роскошь - luxury
If you don’t know the orthography of these nouns and you don’t know there is ь in the end or not you can decline the word. In genitive case, masculine nouns have ending –а, and feminine nouns have ending –и.
- малыш – малыша
- ключ – ключа
- богаж – богажа
- нож – ножа
- мелочь – мелочи
- ложь – лжи
- мощь – мощи
- вещь – вещи
Not every noun in Russian ends with a sizzling consonant. There are many words which have ь in the end but it can be as feminine or masculine. Let’s look at this topic in more detail.
Gendered Words with ending -ь
The names of the months are masculine:
- Январь - January
- Февраль - February
- Апрель - April
- Июнь - June
- Июль - July
- Сентябрь - September
- Октябрь - October
- Ноябрь - November
- Декабрь - December
The nouns which ends with –арь are masculine.
словарь - dictionary
календарь - calendar
аптекарь - apothecary
библиотекарь - librarian
бунтарь - rebel
вратарь - goalkeeper
дикарь - savage
знахарь - witch doctor
лекарь - healer
главарь - ringleader
The nouns which ends with -тель are masculine.
учитель - teacher
правитель - ruler
грабитель - robber
строитель - builder
заместитель - deputy
искатель - seeker
мечтатель - dreamer
надзиратель - overseer
изобретатель - inventor
предатель - traitor
The nouns which ends with –ость are feminine.
хитрость - cunning
ясность - clarity
яркость - brightness
ярость - rage
смелость - courage
глупость - foolishness
жалость - pity
честность - honesty
храбрость - bravery
щедрость - generosity
The nouns which ends with -бь, -вь, -дь, -зь, -сь, -ть are feminine.
- любовь - love
- страсть - passion
- мать - mother
- честь - honor
- часть - part
- кровать - bed
- лошадь - horse
- месть - revenge
- дверь - door
- кровь - blood
- память - memory
- совесть - conscience
- зависть - envy
- жизнь - life
- смерть - death
голубь - dove
лебедь - swan
дождь - rain
медведь - bear
гвоздь - hobnail
These nouns are masculine
The nouns which ends with -ль, -нь, -рь can be both masculine and feminine.
10 masculine nouns with ь in the end:
- конь - horse
- олень - deer
- тюлень - sea calf
- шампунь - shampoo
- рояль - piano
- стиль - style
- зверь - beast
- монастырь - monastery
- пластырь – plaster'
- день - day
10 feminine nouns with ь in the end:
- соль - salt
- боль - pain
- роль - role
- сталь - steel
- вуаль - veil
- шаль - shawl
- печаль - sadness
- мораль - morality
- тень - shadow
- лень - laziness
Общий род (Neuter)
Some nouns with the endings -а (-я) refer to the masculine gender, if they denote men, or feminine, if they designate women. These are nouns of common gender.
10 nouns of common gender:
- плакса - crybaby
- недотрога - noli
- работяга - hard worker
- тихоня - demure persona
- староста - praepostor
- недотёпа - clumsy person
- умница – clever person
- соня - dormouse
- обжора - glutton
- молодчина - whiz
I think it will help you to learn the genders of Russian but if you want to know more about it click on this link.
I hope the difficulties of learning Russian will not stop you and you can feel all the beauty and richness of this language.
Good luck to you.
Hero Image by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash