Looking for a new way to impress your friends? Why not try telling some jokes in Chinese! Chinese jokes can be fun and easy to learn, and they are a thousand remarkable ways to show off your language skills. One of those ways is by telling jokes in Chinese. In this article, we will provide you with a few native Chinese tricks that will get any audience cracked up. We will also teach you how to tell these jokes in Mandarin. Let’s get started!
Why you should tell jokes in Chinese
Telling jokes is a great way to start a conversation. Not only will you show off your Chinese language skills, but you will also be able to make your friends laugh. Jokes are a great icebreaker and can help you build rapport with other people. If you are looking for a new way to connect with people, telling jokes is a great option.
Just in case you are wondering exactly how and where to learn these jokes and consequently hone your conversation skills, we have got you covered. Using online language tools is one of the most accessible and affordable ways to learn any language nowadays. To this effect, we recommend italki.
italki is an online learning tool (specialized primarily in language) that offers affordable learning resources and a safe learning environment for its students. This platform also comes with an array of qualified language teachers who are attentive and have experience in the field.
italki is a technology hub designed to be a safe space where language enthusiasts and professionals can connect, learn, and exchange value. If you are starting on this journey, you have the opportunity of getting an online Chinese tutor on your budget. Students also have a degree of control over their learning process.
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You can and should pinpoint areas they face challenges and believe need more work. The eThe essence of learning a language is to express oneself in said language adequately. italki has an interactive community where engaging sessions are held for the growth of the students. italki is a reliable, affordable, and above all, safe environment for advancing your language skills.
The italki services are available for both Android and iOS devices. You can get connected on the official italki website via any browser.
Pros of using italki
- italki is an online learning platform that offers its students an array of qualified and experienced teachers. Who not only teaches you but also encourages you.
- For beginners with any doubt, italki makes available free unrestricted learning samples. These samples contain learning resources for Chinese. And you can also learn the Chinese numbers.
- An active online community has been set up by italki to help its students create connections, hone conversation skills, and become more confident.
11 funny and weird Chinese Jokes that will make your conversations more lively
There are a few things to keep in mind when telling jokes in Chinese. First, it is essential to remember that Chinese humor can be different from Western humor. What might be funny in the United States might not be funny in China. It is essential to be aware of cultural differences and avoid offending anyone.
Second, it is also essential to know your audience. Some jokes may be too difficult for beginners, so it is crucial to choose appropriate jokes for your level of Mandarin. Now that you know a few tips for telling jokes in Chinese, let’s take a look at seven of the best jokes for beginners:
- 人之初,性本善。(rén zhī chū, xìng běn shàn.)
Translation: “People are born good.”
This is a classic Chinese joke that is sure to get a laugh. The punchline comes from the fact that the word “sex” (性, xìng) can also mean “nature” or “character.” This joke playfully pokes fun at human nature.
- 你踢我,我不理你。(nǐ tī wǒ, wǒ bú lǐ nǐ.)
Translation: “If you kick me, I won’t pay attention to you.”
This joke is a great way to show off your Chinese language skills. The punchline relies on a play on words. The word “理” (lǐ) can mean “reason” or “logic,” but it can also be used as a verb meaning “to deal with” or “to take care of.” This joke uses the latter definition, which changes the sentence’s meaning and makes it funny.
- 我不是小偷,我只是一个爱收集的人。(wǒ bú shì xiǎo tōu, wǒ zhǐ shì yī gè ài shōují de rén.)
Translation: “I’m not a thief. I’m just a person who loves to collect.”
Many native Chinese enjoy the thief joke. It is another excellent way to show off your Chinese language skills. The punchline comes from the fact that the word “收集” (shōují) can mean “to collect” or “to gather.” However, it can also be used as a verb meaning “to steal.” This joke uses the latter definition, which changes the sentence’s meaning and makes it funny.
- 一个人总是说自己是对的,那他就一定是错的了。(yī gè rén zǒng shì shuō zìjǐ shì duì de, nà tā jiù yīdìng shì cuò dele.)
Translation: “A person always says they are right, then they must be wrong.”
This joke is a great way to poke fun at human nature. The punchline comes from the fact that the word “错” (cuò) can mean “wrong” or “incorrect,” but it can also be used as a verb meaning “to make a mistake.” This joke uses the latter definition, which changes the sentence’s meaning and makes it funny.
- 什么是最好的东西? 没有东西。(shénme shì zuì hǎo de dōngxī? Méiyǒu dōngxī.)
Translation: “What is the best thing? Nothing.”
This joke, plain as it may seem, brightens a conversation with any Chinese native. It is a great way to show off your conversation skills. The punchline comes from the fact that the word “东西” (dōngxi) can mean “thing” or “object,” but it can also be used as a noun meaning “nothing.” This joke uses the latter definition, which changes the sentence’s meaning and makes it funny.
- 你从哪里来? 我从这里来。(nǐ cóng nǎlǐ lái? Wǒ cóng zhèlǐ lái.)
Translation: “Where are you from? I’m from here.”
The where and here joke has some level of sarcasm to it. The punchline comes from the fact that the word “这里” (zhèlǐ) can mean “here” or “this place,” but it can also be used as a pronoun meaning “I.” This joke uses the latter definition, which changes the sentence’s meaning and makes it funny.
- 你知道什么是最让人难过的事情吗?看到一只小狗被一只大狗吃掉了。(nǐ zhīdào shénme shì zuì ràng rén nánguò de shì líng ma? Kande yīzhī xiǎogǒu bèi yīzhī dàgǒu chī Diao le.)
Translation: “Do you know what the saddest thing is? Seeing a little dog being eaten by a big dog.”
The following joke on our list is the dog joke. The punchline comes from the fact that the word “吃” (chī) can mean “to eat” or “to consume,” but it can also be used as a verb meaning “to kill.” This joke uses the latter definition, which changes the sentence’s meaning and makes it funny.
- 一個人去醫院,看完診斷報告後對醫生說:「我不是精神病,我只是有時候想要打人。」
A man goes to the hospital and, after reading his diagnosis, says to the doctor: “I’m not crazy. I feel like hitting people sometimes.”
- The disability joke
Teacher: “Why weren’t you in class this afternoon?”
Student: “I had to go apply for a disability handbook from the civil servant.”
Teacher: “Aren’t you disabled?”
Student: “No, I just wanted them to help me spell my name.”
- 笑话一:有个老外问中国人,你们国家的首都是哪里?中国人说:“我们没有首都。”老外很惊讶地问道:“那你们国家的老大是谁?”中国人说:“我们没有老大。”老外又惊讶地问道:“那你们是怎么解决纷争的呢?”中国人说:“我们没有纷争。”
A foreigner asks a Chinese person, “Where is your country’s capital?” The Chinese person says, “We don’t have a capital.” The foreigner is surprised and asks, “Then who is your country’s boss?” The Chinese person says, “We don’t have a boss.” The foreigner is surprised again and asks, “Then how do you solve disputes?” The Chinese person says, “We don’t have disputes.”
- 笑话二:一个老外到中国旅游,看到一个小女孩在唱歌,他马上就过去问道: “你会唱外国歌曲吗?”小女孩说: “会啊! 我会唱英文歌。”老外很高兴地问道: “你能唱一首给我听吗?”小女孩说: “当然可以。我能唱《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》。”
A foreigner goes to China on vacation and sees a little girl singing. He immediately asks, “Do you sing foreign songs?” The little girl says, “Yes! I can sing English songs.” The foreigner is happy and asks, “Can you sing one for me?” The little girl says, “Of course. I can sing ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.'”
What’s the best way to learn Chinese? By telling jokes, of course! Jokes are a great way to practice your language skill. So next time you’re in a Chinese conversation, don’t be afraid to crack a few jokes. Your friends will be impressed. They’re great online learning tools. To hone your skills, connect on italki today and learn Chinese online.
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