Christmas is one of the most popular holidays all over the world, but it is especially important in Latin America. As one of the world’s most Christian regions, it’s no surprise that many people celebrate this holiday in the Spanish-speaking world. Because of the holiday’s massive popularity, many non-Christians have adopted it, making it a cultural phenomenon that is important to people who are not religious.

If you find yourself in a Spanish-speaking country during the holidays, you should learn a few Christmas greetings in Spanish. Even if you don’t participate in the festivities, you will be wished a Merry Christmas occasionally, so you will want to know how to respond.
In this article, we will go over 40+ ways to say Merry Christmas in Spanish and several inclusive ways to wish someone a happy holiday regardless of religion.
Christmas greetings in Spanish
First and foremost, let us discuss how to say Merry Christmas in Spanish: Feliz Navidad! You have probably heard the most common Christmas greeting before, but it’s not the only one. There are numerous ways to wish someone a Merry Christmas in Spanish, and you can select the best one based on your level of closeness and your Christmas wishes.
We will go over dozens of ways to say Merry Christmas in Spanish below so that you can go beyond the simple “Feliz Navidad!”
40+ Christmas greetings in Spanish
Although “Feliz Navidad!” will suffice in most situations, we want you to become a fluent speaker. It’s critical to make a good impression on your loved ones during the holidays because it’s a time to show your friends and family that you care about them and wish them well.
Because New Year’s Day is so close to Christmas, many Christmas greetings include some Spanish happy New Year’s greetings.
English | Spanish |
Merry Christmas! | ¡Feliz Navidad! |
Merry Christmas Eve! | ¡Feliz Nochebuena! |
I wish you a Merry Christmas! | ¡Te deseo una feliz Navidad! |
My best wishes to you this Christmas! | ¡Mis mejores deseos para esta Navidad! |
I hope you have a beautiful time this Christmas. | Que pases lindo esta Navidad. |
Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. | ¡Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo! |
I hope you have a merry Christmas. | Que pases una feliz Navidad. |
We wish you a Merry Christmas from my family to yours. | Te deseamos una feliz Navidad de mi familia a la tuya. |
I wish you the best Christmas of them all. | Te deseo la mejor Navidad de todas. |
I hope you have an extraordinary Christmas. | Que tengas una Navidad extraordinaria. |
I hope you enjoy your Christmas with your family and loved ones. | Que disfrutes de tu Navidad con tu familia y seres queridos. |
I hope you have an excellent Christmas and have a very nice dinner. | Que pases una excelente Navidad y cenes muy rico. |
I hope you have a Christmas filled with love, happiness, and health. | Que tengas una Navidad llena de amor, alegría y salud. |
I hope your Christmas is wonderful, white, happy, calm, and healthy. | Que tu Navidad sea maravillosa, blanca, alegre, tranquila y saludable. |
I wish you a Merry Christmas and many happy moments in the upcoming year. | Feliz Navidad y muchos momentos felices en el año que viene. |
I hope the tenderness and hope of Christmass fills your hearts with love, peace, joy, and happiness. | Que la ternura y la esperanza de la Navidad llene vuestros corazones de amor, paz, alegría y felicidad. |
Mery Christmas and prosperous new year! Don’t forget to decorate the Christmas tree! | ¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo! ¡No te olvides de decorar el árbol de Navidad! |
Much love for you and your family this Christmas. | Mucho cariño para ti y tu familia esta Navidad. |
I hope that the best gift you receive this Christmas is to be next to your loved ones sharing peace, hope, and joy. | Que en esta Navidad el mejor regalo que recibas sea estar junto a tus seres queridos compartiendo paz, esperanza y alegría. |
I hope that Bethlehem’s Star shines upon your life this Christmas. | Que la estrella de Belén ilumine tu vida esta Navidad. |
This Christmas, I’m toasting to our friendship. | En esta Navidad brindo por nuestra amistad. |
I hope that this Christmas is bright, brings joy and love and ignites a new year full of light and hope for you. | Que esta Navidad sea brillante, traiga alegría y amor y encienda un Año Nuevo de luz y esperanza para ti. |
I wish that your Christmas is bright, brings you joy, love, peace, and harmony. | Te deseo que tu Navidad sea luminosa, te traiga alegría, amor, paz y armonía. |
I hope you spend a warm Christmas with the company of those you love. | Que pases una cálida Navidad en compañía de los que amas. |
I hope that the peace and harmony celebrated during Christmas are present every day of your new year. | Que la paz y la armonía celebrada en Navidad estén presentes todos los días de tu año nuevo. |
I wish you the most happiness in a unique and special Christmas. | Te deseo la mayor felicidad en una Navidad única y especial. |
I wish you immense happiness this Christmas for you and your family. | Te deseo una felicidad inmensa en esta Navidad para ti y tu familia. |
I hope this Christmas is full of happiness for you and your family. | Que esta Navidad te llena de felicidad a ti y a toda tu familia |
I hope that the divine light lights your way during this and all the Christmases that are yet to come. | Que la luz divina ilumine tu camino en esta y todas las Navidades que están por venir. |
I hope that this Christmas helps you reach all of your heart’s dreams, that it brings you joy for every day of the new year, and that you can share all of this with the special people who are a part of your life. | Que la Navidad te ayude a cumplir todos los sueños de tu corazón, que te traiga alegría para cada día del año nuevo y que puedas compartir todo esto con las personas especiales que forman parte de tu vida. |

Christmas greetings for businesses
English | Spanish |
We hope that all of your wishes come true this Christmas. We will continue helping you make them come true! | Esperamos que todos tus deseos se vuelvan realidad esta Navidad. ¡Nosotros seguiremos ayudándote a cumplirlos! |
You’re the reason why we celebrate. We hope you have an excellent Christmas! | Eres la razón por la que celebramos. ¡Que pases una excelente Navidad! |
Merry Christmas! Thank you for everything we’ve shared this year. | ¡Feliz Navidad! Gracias por todo lo que hemos compartido este año. |
Happy holidays! We hope that this Christmas, there is nothing more urgent than being with the people who matter to you. | ¡Felices fiestas! Que en esta Navidad, nada sea más urgente que estar con quienes más te importan. |
Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is coming and we want to let you know how happy we are to have you by our side. We hope you spend a beautiful Christmas! | ¡Jo, Jo, Jo! Se acerca la época navideña y queremos decirte lo feliz que nos hace tenerte a nuestro lado. ¡Esperamos que pases una hermosa Navidad! |
You’re the most valuable to us. We hope we can count on you for many more Christmases! | Eres lo más valioso para nosotros. ¡Esperamos contar contigo durante muchas Navidades más! |
The fact that you’re by our side is one of our greatest satisfactions. We hope you can spend a holiday season filled with joy. | Que estén a nuestro lado es una de las mejores satisfacciones. Esperamos que pasen una época llena de alegría. |
A new year of collaboration, challenges, successes, and learnings has come to an end. Thank you for making it all possible, and Merry Christmas! | Termina un nuevo año de colaboración, desafíos, éxitos y aprendizajes. Gracias por haberlo hecho posible y, ¡feliz Navidad! |
Our biggest wish is to help you meet your goals for next year and every one thereafter. Merry Christmas! | Nuestro mayor deseo es ayudarte a realizar tus metas para el próximo año y los que le siguen. ¡Feliz Navidad! |
One of our 12 wishes is that our collaboration remains strong and keeps growing. | Uno de nuestros 12 deseos es que nuestra colaboración se mantenga y crezca. |
Happy holidays! Thank you for trusting us to make your projects come true! | ¡Felices fiestas! ¡Gracias por confiar en nosotros para hacer realidad tus proyectos! |
We wish you health, prosperity, and realized dreams. For us, we wish that we can continue accompanying you on your success. | A ti te deseamos salud, prosperidad y sueños cumplidos. A nosotros, que sigamos acompañando tu éxito. |
Enjoy the celebrations, we’ll be waiting for you with open arms. Merry Christmas! | Disfruta las fiestas; estaremos esperándote con los brazos abiertos. ¡Feliz Navidad! |
Christmas vocabulary in Spanish
Christmas is an excellent time to pick up some new Spanish vocabulary. You can use this opportunity to brush up on your Spanish with special Spanish Christmas food, drinks, flowers, and much more. Furthermore, knowing these words will enable you to be even more festive, allowing you to fully enjoy the holidays.
English | Spanish |
Christmas Day | El día de Navidad |
Christmas Eve | La Nochebuena |
Christmas party | La fiesta de Navidad |
Midnight mass | La misa del gallo |
Christmas lights | Las luces navideñas |
Christmas stockings | Los calcetines navideños |
Mistletoe | El muérdago |
Candle | La vela |
Christmas card | La carta de Navidad |
Christmas carols | Los villancicos |
Santa Clause | Papá Noel |
Santa Clause | Santa Claus |
Santa Clause | San Nicolás |
Sled | El trineo |
Sleigh bells | Los cascabeles |
Reindeer | Los renos |
Snowman | El hombre de nieve |
Advent calendar | El calendario de adviento |
The Christmas spirit | El espíritu navideño |
Fireworks | Los fuegos artificiales |
Christmas tree | El árbol de Navidad |
Christmas ornaments (spheres) | Las esferas |
Christmas ornaments | Los adornos |
Angel | El ángel |
Star | La estrella |
Christmas gift | El regalo de Navidad |
Chirstmas cake | El pastel de Navidad |
Cookies | Las galletas |
Candy cane | El bastón de caramelo |
Chestnuts | Las castañas |
Nougat | El turrón |
Turkey | El pavo |
Hot chocolate | El chocolate caliente |
Champagne | La champaña |
Baby Jesus | El Niño Dios |
Punch | El ponche |
To toast | Brindar |
To celebrate | Celebrar |
To decorate | Decorar |
To wish | Desear |
To gift | Regalar |
To wrap | Envolver |
To open a present | Abrir un regalo |
The inns | Las posadas |

Additionally, you can explore different Spanish Christmas movies to make your holidays even more entertaining and fun. Watching these movies can also help you expand your Spanish vocabulary and reach fluency.
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The enrollment procedure is simple. Visit the website, create a profile, and complete the necessary information. Fill in your preferred style, schedule, and so on. The option to ‘find the instructor’ will be in the upper right corner.
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Frequently asked questions
Is there a specific way to wish someone a prosperous New Year in Spanish?
Yes, you can say “¡Próspero Año Nuevo!” which means “Prosperous New Year!”
How do you wish someone a joyous Christmas and a happy New Year?
You can say “¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!” which means “Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!”
Are there any traditional Spanish Christmas greetings specific to a region or country?
Yes, some regions may have specific Christmas greetings. For example, in Spain, you might hear “¡Felices Fiestas!” more frequently.
Now that you know different Christmas greetings in Spanish, we hope you choose the right phrase that aligns with your situation. You can also explore different Spanish learning apps to expand your Spanish writing and speaking skills.
Check out italki to find the best online Spanish tutor and discuss your learning aspirations with him/her. Be consistent and you will end up becoming a fluent Spanish speaker.
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