Learning the colors in Spanish should be one of the first and most enjoyable tasks on any learner’s to-do list. Colors will help you understand everyday conversations as well as become a more precise Spanish speaker. Even if you don’t consider yourself artistic, you will need colors to describe the world around you.
Whether you are learning Spanish online for fun or to do business with Spanish speakers, knowing how to express yourself in Spanish color will improve the quality of your interactions significantly. In this guide, we will go over every color and then give you some pointers on how to remember them.
Knowing the various color shades will enable you to be more precise with your words. The ability to use colors as adjectives will greatly improve the accuracy of your sentences. So let’s get started!
The first thing you will want to learn is how to say “color” in Spanish. Fortunately, color is simply color in Spanish. The only difference is the pronunciation: cuh-lore. Colors is a slightly different word, as the singular color becomes the plural colors: cuh-lore-ehs.
You should also be aware that color is a masculine noun, so el color and los colores are correct. Now that you are acquainted with the term “color,” it’s time to delve into los colores. To be honest, you could learn the ten or so most common colors and be perfectly fine, but that would be extremely boring. Who doesn’t enjoy wearing a burgundy jumper while gazing at the lavender sky?
We will divide colors into various shades so that you have more tools to work with. We will also include the appropriate Spanish pronunciation so you can pronounce them like a pro, even if you are just starting out with language learning.
Purple in Spanish
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Lavender | Lavanda | la-vahn-dah |
Purple | Morado | mo-rah-doh |
Violet | Violeta | vee-oh-lay-tah |
Grape | Uva | oo-vah |
Mauve | Malva | mahl-vah |
Mulberry | Mora | mo-rah |
Plum | Ciruela | see-roo-eh-lah |
Lilac | Lila | lee-lah |
Indigo | Indigo | een-dee-go |
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Orange in Spanish
If you are a bright and colorful person, you probably already say a lot of these orange phrases on a daily basis. Why not use them in both English and Spanish? Learn more about these beautiful colors than just how to say orange in Spanish.
Orange color variation in English | Color in Spanish | Spanish pronunciation |
Tangerine | Mandarina | man-dah-ree-nah |
Orange | Naranja | na-rahn-hah |
Amber | Ámbar | ahm-bar |
Bronze | Bronce | brawn-say |
Burnt Orange | Naranja quemado | na-rahn-hah kay-mah-doh |
Marmalade | Mermelada | mehr-meh-la-dah |
Mango | Mango | man-go |
Rust | Oxido | ohx-ee-doh |
Papaya | Papaya | pah-pah-yah |
Practice Spanish speaking as much as you can. Speaking is the best strategy to develop a grip on the language. Try using Spanish colors in your conversations as much as possible. It will help you with pronunciation correction and boost your confidence to speak Spanish in public.
Blue in Spanish
Blue is one of the most interesting colors because it has so many different shades. Navy blue and turquoise are nearly opposite colors, but they are both blue. With our helpful table below, you can learn how to say some of the most common shades of blue in Spanish.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Royal Blue | Azul real | ah-zool reh-al |
Blue | Azul | ah-zool |
Turquoise | Turquesa | tour-kay-sah |
Teal | Verde azulado | vur-day ah-zool-ah-doh |
Cyan | Cian | see-an |
Sky Blue | Celeste | say-les-tay |
Navy Blue | Azul marino | ah-zool mah-ree-no |
Baby Blue | Azul bebé | ah-zool beh-beh |
Midnight Blue | Azul de medianoche | ah-zool deh meh-dee-ah-no-chay |
Red in Spanish
Red is another color that has significant shade variations. If you wear makeup, we are sure knowing how to say the different types of red in Spanish will come in handy when you’re looking for a new lipstick at the mall.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Burgundy | Borgoña | bor-go-nya |
Red | Rojo | row-ho |
Cherry | Cereza | seh-ray-za |
Crimson | Carmesí | kar-may-see |
Brick Red | Rojo ladrillo | row-ho la-dree-yo |
Blood Red | Rojo sangre | row-ho sahn-gray |
Maroon | Marrón | ma-ron |
Berry | Mora | mo-rah |
Scarlet | Escarlata | ehs-car-lah-tah |
Yellow in Spanish
Yellow comes in a variety of shades, from gleaming gold to bright and fresh lemon. Knowing how to identify different types of yellow in Spanish will come in handy when looking for a trendy mustard couch for your living room or selecting the perfect lemon meringue pie for a fantastic birthday party. You can also learn how to say happy birthday in Spanish to make the birthday parties fun-filled and memorable.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Lemon | Amarillo limón | ah-ma-ree-yo lee-moan |
Yellow | Amarillo | ah-ma-ree-yo |
Cream | Crema | cray-ma |
Canary | Canario | kah-nah-ree-oh |
Chartreuse | Chartreuse | shar-truce |
Gold | Dorado | doh-rah-doh |
Light Yellow | Amarillo claro | ah-ma-ree-yo |
Sand | Arena | ah-reh-nah |
Mustard | Mostaza | mow-stah-zah |
Brown in Spanish
Brown is another versatile color that can help you describe your surroundings. Whether you’re trying to remember the name of an animal in Spanish or need help identifying a delectable pan dulce (pastry), knowing a few shades of brown in Spanish will come in handy.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Caramel | Caramelo | car-ah-mellow |
Brown | Café | kah-fay |
Sepia | Sepia | say-pee-ah |
Chestnut | Castaño | kas-tah-nyoh |
Chocolate | Chocolate | choh-koh-la-tay |
Almond | Almendra | all-men-drah |
Cedar | Cedro | say-dro |
Coffee | Café | kah-fay |
Walnut | Nuez | noo-ehz |
Pink in Spanish
Pink is a fantastically versatile color that has become very popular with everyone. So, regardless of which gender you identify with or do not identify with, knowing how to say pink in Spanish will most likely come in handy.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Peach | Durazno | doo-rahs-no |
Pink | Rosa | row-sah |
Coral | Coral | koh-rall |
Rouge | Rouge | roosh |
Magenta | Magenta | ma-hen-tah |
Salmon | Salmón | sal-moan |
Blush | Rubor | roo-bore |
Hot Pink | Rosa intenso | row-sah in-ten-so |
Strawberry | Rosa fresa | row-sah fray-sah |
Green in Spanish
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Sage | Salvia | sal-vee-ah |
Green | Verde | vur-day |
Jade | Jade | ha-deh |
Seafoam | Espuma de mar | ehs-poo-ma |
Lime | Verde limón | vur-day lee-moan |
Forest | Verde bosque | ver-day bohs-kay |
Olive | Verde olivo | vur-day oh-lee-voh |
Emerald | Verde esmeralda | vur-day es-may-rahl-da |
Mint | Verde menta | vur-day men-ta |
Black in Spanish
Although technically black is the absence of light, there are many different shades of black that can be useful in everyday conversation. Knowing how to say a few different types of black in Spanish will come in handy.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Ebony | Ébano | eh-bah-no |
Black | Negro | neh-grow |
Cool Black | Negro fresco | neh-grow fress-koh |
Ink | Tinta | teen-tah |
Obsidian | Obsidiana | ohb-see-dee-ah-nah |
Jet Black | Negro azabache | neh-grow ah-zah-bah-cheh |
Charcoal | Negro carbón | neh-grow car-bone |
Onyx | Ónix | oh-neex |
Midnight | Medianoche | meh-dee-ah-no-cheh |
White in Spanish
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Beige | Beige | baysh |
White | Blanco | blon-co |
Ivory | Marfil | mar-feel |
Eggshell | Cáscara de huevo | cas-cuh-ra de oo-eh-voh |
Coconut | Coco | koh-koh |
Pearl | Perla | pear-la |
Bone | Hueso | oo-es-oh |
Alabaster | Alabastro | ah-la-bas-trow |
Off white | Blanquecino | blan-kay-see-toh |
Frequently asked questions
Q. Are colors masculine or feminine in Spanish?
A. They are all masculine. Even if the color is commonly associated with feminine things, it is still a masculine noun.
Q. Can colors be plural in Spanish?
A. They are plural. For example, ‘the shades of blue’ would be los tonos azules in Spanish.
Q. Are colors capitalized in Spanish?
A. In Spanish, colors are not capitalized unless they are the first word of a sentence or part of a proper noun. Unlike languages such as English or German, Spanish has strict capitalization rules. When in doubt, avoid capitalizing the first letter of most words.
We hope you found this guide to be both inspiring and informative. Although there are many practical reasons to learn Spanish colors, we believe that knowing them will help you develop a new appreciation for the language. If you plan to visit Spain or any Spanish-speaking country, you also need to learn travel phrases in Spanish. These phrases will make your trip interesting and memorable.
You can express yourself much more beautifully in Spanish now that you know a wide range of colors. Remember that the most important aspect of any learner’s journey is to keep moving forward, so don’t be concerned if you believe you require more time to master the colors.
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