If you are learning Spanish, you already know that it can be a lot of fun. But have you mastered any Spanish tongue twisters? Learning tongue twisters can be entertaining, but it can also be a great way to practice your Spanish pronunciation.
If you are a native English speaker, you will probably need some practice, especially with the Spanish vowels. As a result, we are providing you with yet another tool to help you improve your Spanish pronunciation.
In this guide, we will walk you through the science behind tongue twisters that will help you polish your Spanish pronunciation skills.

Are tongue twisters helpful?
Although tongue twisters are a disputed study technique, the science supports their effectiveness for foreign language learners. A 2023 study discovered that tongue twisters improve overall pronunciation, not just tongue twisters.
A different study discovered that tongue twisters foster an enjoyable learning environment. Even if it doesn’t actually improve your pronunciation, practicing tongue twisters is a fun way to interact with Spanish speakers. Remember that sticking to a study routine is always easier if you enjoy it.
Easy Spanish tongue twisters
Spanish | English |
Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas. ¿Con cuántas planchas Pancha plancha? | Pancha irons with four irons. With how many irons does Pancha iron? |
Cuando cuentes cuentos, cuenta cuantos cuentos cuentas, cuando cuentes cuentos. | When you tell stories, count how many stories you count, when you tell stories. |
Compré pocas copas, pocas copas compré y como compré pocas copas, pocas copas pagué. | I bought a few drinks, I bought a few drinks and since I bought a few drinks, I paid for a few drinks. |
Yo lloro si lloras, si lloras yo lloro. Tu llanto es mi llanto; y tu llanto, mi lloro. Si tu ya no lloras, tampoco yo lloro. | I cry if you cry, if you cry I cry. Your crying is my crying; and your crying, my crying. If you don’t cry anymore, I don’t cry either. |
Camarón, caramelo. Caramelo, camarón.Camarón, caramelo. Caramelo, camarón. | Shrimp, caramel. Caramel, shrimp.Shrimp, caramel. Caramel, shrimp. |
Si tu gusto no gusta con el gusto que gusta mi gusto, qué disgusto tiene mi gusto al saber que tu gusto no gusta con el gusto que gusta mi gusto. | If your taste does not please with the taste that my taste pleases with, what disgust my taste has to know that your taste does not please with the taste that my taste pleases with. |
Pepe Pecas pica papas con un pico, con un pico pica papas Pepe Pecas | Pepe freckles dices potatoes with a spike, with a spike dices potatoes Pepe freckles. |
¿Cómo quieres que te quiera si quien quiero que me quiera no me quiere como quiero que me quiera? | How do you want me to want you if whom I want to want me doesn’t want me the way I want them to want me? |
Papá pone pan para Pepín. Para Pepín pone pan papá. | Dad puts out bread for Pepín. For Pepín dad puts out bread. |
Hoy ya es ayer y ayer ya es hoy, ya llegó el día, y hoy es hoy. | Today is already yesterday and yesterday is already today, the day has arrived, and today is today. |

Intermediate Spanish tongue twisters
Spanish | English |
Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal. | Three sad tigers swallowed wheat in a wheat field. |
La araña con maña amaña la laña. La araña con maña es una tacaña. | The spider with skill rigs the rod. The crafty spider is stingy. |
Saca las cosas del saco de casa, le dijo el sapo a la sapa Tomasa, las cosas del saco no las sacaré, que la casa es mía y el saco también. | Take out the stuff from the house coat, said the toad to the toad Tomasa, the things from the coat I won’t take out, because the house is mine and so is the coat. |
El perro de Rita me irrita, dile a Rita que cambie el perro por una perrita. | Rita’s dog irritates me, tell Rita that I will change the little male dog for a little female dog. |
Un dragón tragón tragó carbón y el carbón que tragó el dragón tragón le hizo salir barrigón | A guzzling dragon guzzled coal, and the coal that the guzzling dragon guzzled made him look bloated. |
Un zapatero zambo, zapateaba zapateados de zapata, de zapata zapateaba zapateados un zapatero zambo. | The bow-legged shoemaker tap-danced tap-dancing moves from Zapata, tap-dancing moves from Zapata tap-danced a bow-legged shoemaker. |
Las tramas tristes teatrales, traen trabajo de arrendajo, temen tretas terrenales, tristes tramas, trastos viejos. | The sad theatrical plots, bring about the work of a jay, fearing earthly plots, sad plots, and old junk. |
La bruja piruja tejió mi cojín, tejiendo tejidos viajó hasta el jardín, juntó tres lentejas en un cajetín, y se hizo una sopa con mi perejil. | The promiscuous witch knitted my cushion, by knitting fabrics she traveled all the way to the garden, gathered three lentils in a small box, and made herself a soup with my parsley. |
La tribu triste tritura un triste tinte, el triste tinte que tritura la tribu triste, es el triste tinte que la triste tribu trituró. | The sad tribe tortures a sad dye, the sad dye that’s being tortured by the sad tribe, is the sad dye that the sad tribe tortured. |
Mariana Magaña desenmarañará mañana la maraña que enmarañara Mariana Magaña. | Mariana Magaña will untangle tomorrow the tangle that will be untangled by Mariana Magaña. |
Hardest Spanish tongue twisters
Spanish | English |
Erre con erre cigarro, erre con erre barril. Rápido corren los carros cargados de azúcar del ferrocarril. | R with R cigar, R with R barrel. The railroad cars loaded with sugar run fast. |
Al rey de Parangaricutirimícuaro lo quieren desparangaricutirimicuarizar. El que logre desparangaricutirimicuarizarlo un buen desparangaricutirimicuatizador será. | They want to desparangaricutirimicuaro to the king of Parangaricutirimicuaro. Whoever manages to deparangaricutirimiquarize him will be a good deparangaricutirimiquatizer. |
Tengo una gallina pinta pipiripinta gorda pipirigorda pipiripintiva y sorda que tiene tres pollitos pintos pipiripintos gordos pipirigordos pipiripintivos y sordos. Si la gallina no hubiera sido pinta pipiripinta gorda pipirigorda pipiripintiva y sorda, los pollitos no hubieran sido pintos pipiripintos gordos pipirigordos pipiripintivos y sordos. | I have a spotted pipirispotted fat pipirifat pipirispotted and deaf chicken that has three spotted pipirispotted fat pipirifat pipirispotted and deaf chicks. If the chicken hadn’t been spotted pipirispotted fat pipirifat pipirispotted and deaf, then the chicks wouldn’t have been spotted pipirispotted fat pipirifat pipirispotted and deaf. |
El otorrinolaringólogo se quiere desotorrinolaringolizar, el que lo desotorrinolaringolize, buen desotorrinolaringolizador será. | The otorhinolaryngologist wants to deotorhinolaryngologize himself, whoever can deotorhinolaryngologize him will be a good deotorhinolaryngologizer. |
El perro perra encontró pera, pero perro perra peras no come, en cambio perra perro peros no encontró para comerse la pera que perro perra dejó | The dog dog found a pear, but the dog dog doesn’t eat pears, instead, the dog dog found no reasons not to eat the pear that dog dog left behind. |
Me han dicho que has dicho un dicho, que han dicho que he dicho yo. El que lo ha dicho mintió; y en caso que hubiese dicho ese dicho que han dicho que he dicho yo, dicho y redicho quedó, y estará bien dicho ese dicho, que han dicho que he dicho yo. | I’ve been told that you’ve told a saying, that you’ve been told that I’ve told. He who told you so lied; and in case that I had told that saying that you’ve been told that I’ve told myself, told and retold it stands, and will be well said that saying, that you’ve been told that I’ve told. |
La bruja Maruja prepara un brebaje, con cera de abeja, dos dientes de ajo, cuarenta lentejas y un pelo de oveja. | The domestic witch prepares a disgusting beverage, with beeswax, two garlic cloves, forty lentils and a sheep’s hair. |
La rata ingrata, ingrata rata en una lata guardó la plata y la pobre rata, por insensata, quedó sin la plata y sin la lata. | The ingrate rat, ingrate rat in a can saved her money and the poor rat, out of foolishness, was left without the money and without the can. |
Una gata ética pelética pelada peluda con el rabo lanudo, tuvo tres hijos éticos peléticos pelados peludos con el rabo lanudo. Si la gata no fuese ética pelética peluda con el rabo lanudo, los hijos no fuesen éticos peléticos pelados peludos con el rabo lanudo | An ethical, peletic, bald, and furry cat with a woolly tail, had three ethical, peletic, bald, and furry kittens with woolly tails. If the cat wasn’t ethical, peletic, bald, and furry with a woolly tail, the kittens wouldn’t be ethical, peletic, bald, and furry with woolly tails. |
En la ciudad de Pamplona hay una plaza. En la plaza hay una esquina, en la esquina hay una casa. En la casa hay una pieza. En la pieza hay una cama. En la cama hay una estera. En la estera hay una barra. En la barra hay una lora. Luego la lora a la barra, la barra a la estera, la estera a la cama, la cama a la pieza, la pieza a la casa, la casa a la esquina, la esquina a la plaza, la plaza a la ciudad de Pamplona. | In the city of Pamplona there is a plaza. In that plaza there is a corner, and in that corner there is a house. In that house, there is a room. In that room, there is a bed. In that bed, there is a mat. On that mat there is a bar. On that bar, there is a parrott. Then, the parrot to the bar, the bar to the mat, the mat to the bed, the bed to the room, the room to the house, the house to the corner, the corner to the square, the square to the city of Pamplona. |
Apart from tongue twisters, Spanish jokes are also helpful to polish Spanish pronunciation skills. In fact, they help you understand Spanish culture and its people. Always look for fun ways to master a new language.

If you are looking for professional guidance to master Spanish, italki will help you develop all the skills required to be a fluent Spanish speaker.
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Learning Spanish is easier when you have all the right learning resources available. The amazing features of italki make it a suitable option for many reasons.
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Every learner wants to know the fast ways to learn Spanish, but the progress level depends on consistency and direction. You must look for the methods that help you develop knowledge in a productive manner.
Getting customized lessons at italki will help you expand vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency at a gradual pace. The enrollment process is discussed below. Visit italki to book your lessons now.
The enrollment process at italki
Visit italki. Fill out your profile with all of the required information. To find a Spanish teacher, navigate to the option ‘Find a teacher’ and use the filter for Spanish teachers. Here, you will find the complete list of Spanish tutors available at italki. Choose a teacher who meets your learning goals and requirements. Schedule your lessons with them.

You need to follow the additional material, exercises, and scenario-based content provided by your Spanish tutor. Accept constructive criticism and work on your weak areas. Keep an eye on your learning track.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are tongue twisters used in language learning?
Tongue twisters are used to improve pronunciation, enhance speech clarity, and develop linguistic skills. They’re a fun and effective way to practice specific sounds and improve overall language fluency.
Are there different types of Spanish tongue twisters?
There are various types, ranging from short and simple ones to longer, more complex phrases. Some focus on specific sounds or combinations of sounds to provide targeted pronunciation practice.
Are tongue twisters suitable for beginners learning Spanish?
Yes, there are tongue twisters of varying difficulty levels. Beginners can start with simpler ones and gradually progress to more challenging ones as their language skills improve.
How often should I practice tongue twisters?
The frequency of practice depends on individual preferences and learning goals. Regular, consistent practice is beneficial, but the key is to enjoy the process and have fun with the language challenge.
In this guide, we have explored some exciting and funny Spanish tongue twisters. Practicing these tongue twisters is a fun way to learn Spanish, and you need to enjoy the process. It is also recommended to learn Spanish curse words so that you can avoid embarrassing situations while engaging with Spanish speakers.
Get yourself an experienced native Spanish tutor through italki and fulfill your dream of becoming a fluent Spanish speaker. Book your lessons today!
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