Longtaitou Festival 龙抬头
Longtaitou Festival 龙抬头
March 11, 2024
今天是2024年3月11日星期一,农历二月二,是民间俗称“龙抬头”的日子。这天,万物复苏,春天真的来了。 今年是甲辰龙年,龙抬头60年一遇,龙头一抬,好运自来。 龙抬头这天要做的三件事: 一是早上7点出门,面朝东方,大口呼吸新鲜空气,这是踩龙气; 二是吃龙福,可以吃水饺、面条、龙眼等沾沾龙王爷的福气 三是剃龙头,这一天理发的话会福星高照,鸿运当头。 龙抬头 lóng tái tóu:Loong Head Up,It is a traditional Chinese folk festival. 民间 mín jiān:folk;popular;among the people 俗称 sú chēng:be commonly called;proverb 甲辰 jiǎ chén:The Chinese sexagenary cycle, also known as Stems-and-Branches, is a cyclic numeral system of60 combinations of the two basic cycles, the ten Heavenly Stemsand the twelve Earthly Branches. 万物复苏 wàn wù fù sū:everything rouses up from sleeping 龙眼 lóng yǎn:ongan; euphoria longan 剃头\理发 tì tóu\ lǐ fà:Shaving and haircutting
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“龙”年中国话(“ lóng ” nián zhōng guó huà)