#44 Short story / たけしの夏《Takeshi's Summer》/ storytelling // N5 Level / Japanese listening
#44 Short story / たけしの夏《Takeshi's Summer》/ storytelling // N5 Level / Japanese listening
August 1, 2023
Today’s episode is “たけしの夏 (Takeshi no natsu)《Takeshi's Summer》. This episode is JLPT-N5 level. I created a quiz on this episode. After listening, please take the quiz! Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices. ☆Words 小学生(しょうがくせい)《shoogakusee》:elementary school student 夏休(なつやす)み《natsuyasumi》:summer vacation ~が 見(み)える/見(み)えない《~ga mieru / mienai》:be seen / can not be seen 庭(にわ)《niwa》:garden, yard 地震(じしん)《jishin》:earthquake 穴(あな)《ana》:hole 怖(こわ)い《kowai》:scary 暗(くら)い《kurai》:dark 突然(とつぜん)《totsuzen》:suddenly 明(あか)るくなる《akarukunaru》:become brighter ~に 落(お)ちる《~ni ochiru》:fall 目(め)を 開(あ)ける/閉(と)じる《me o akeru / tojiru》:open one's eyes / close one's eyes 妖精(ようせい)《yoosee》:fairy 魔法(まほう) の 世界(せかい)《mahoo no sekai》:The Magic World 星(ほし)《hoshi》:star 花火(はなび) 《hanabi》:fireworks 空(そら)《sora》:sky ☆Script for this episode The scripts (URL) are listed in the overview section of the channel. ☆Quiz for this episode https://www.italki.com/quiz/set/14761?utm_source=copylink_share&utm_medium=share_content&utm_campaign=share_quiz
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Simple Japanese Listening with Meg(めぐ)Smile