Behavioral Interview Questions - Best Practices - Episode 71
Behavioral Interview Questions - Best Practices - Episode 71
Jun 7, 2024 11:21 AM
Align with Job Description: Questions should target specific competencies identified in the job description. Use Action Verbs: Focus on actions taken (e.g., "developed," "implemented," "negotiated"). Focus on Specific Situations: Prompt for concrete examples, avoiding vague inquiries like "Tell me about a time you worked under pressure." Instead, ask, "Describe a situation where a tight deadline required prioritizing tasks effectively." The STAR Method: The STAR method provides a framework for candidates to structure their responses to behavioral questions: Situation: Briefly describe the context and challenges faced. Task: Explain your specific role and responsibilities in the situation. Action: Detail the specific actions you took to address the challenge. Result: Describe the outcome of your actions, quantifying achievements if possible. Beyond Technical Skills: Behavioral interviewing goes beyond technical skills, offering insights into: Problem-Solving Approach: Explore how the candidate tackled challenges, revealing their thought process and analytical abilities. Communication Style: Pay attention to clarity, conciseness, and ability to articulate ideas effectively. Work Style: Understand if the candidate thrives in independent or collaborative environments. Benefits and Best Practices: Reduced Bias: Focusing on past actions minimizes the influence of unconscious bias based on appearance or background. Increased Predictability: Understanding past performance in similar situations improves the likelihood of future success. Deeper Candidate Evaluation: Behavioral questions move beyond a resume, revealing a more holistic picture of the candidate's capabilities. Best practices: Develop a set of behavioral questions for each role to ensure consistency. Pay close attention to the candidate's use of the STAR method and probe for further details. Evaluate responses across candidates using a consistent scoring rubric.
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