I like some board games like parcheesi, game of the goose or checkers. But the games that I like the most are Risk and Monopoly. "Risk" is an strategy war game. Before starting the game, the world is divided among the players and then you have to conquer a number of territories, which depends on the number of players. It´s really funny. "Monopoly" is a board game in which you buy streets and then build houses and hotels on your streets. The players have to pay different amounts of money when they fell into someone else´s possessions. One player wins when all of the rivals go into bankruptcy.
Dec 13, 2021 1:52 PM
Corrections · 1
I like some board games like parcheesi, game of the goose, or checkers. But the games that I like the most are Risk and Monopoly. "Risk" is an strategy war game. Before starting the game, the world is divided among the players and then you have to conquer a number of territories, which depends on the number of players. It’s really fun. "Monopoly" is a board game in which you buy streets and then build houses and hotels on your streets. The players have to pay different amounts of money when they fall onto someone else’s possessions. One player wins when all of the rivals go into bankruptcy.
December 13, 2021
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