I love watching sports. I do like playing some sports like tennis and golf, but I would rather watch others play the sports. It is really fun to root for a favorite team and cheer for them. It is definitely one of my favorite hobbies, and what I do almost everyday. My favorite sport to watch is baseball. I have actually never played baseball, but it is very exciting to watch because you never know which team will win until the game literally comes to an end. I would love to go to watch a game live, but it can be really expensive, and I cannot do that very often. However, that makes it a special experience for me when I can go to the game!
Sep 28, 2023 4:07 AM
Corrections · 2
I love watching sports. I enjoy playing sports like tennis and golf, but I would rather watch others play them instead. It is really fun to root/cheer(☜だいたい同じ意味だと思います) for a favorite team. Watching sports is definitely one of my favorite hobbies and I watch it almost everyday. My favorite sport to watch is baseball. I never played baseball before, but it is very exciting to watch because you never know which team will win until the very last moments (of the game). I would love to watch a live game, but it can be really expensive so I cannot go very often. However, that’s what makes it all the more special when I can finally go to the game!
良く書けています!👏🏻 語順をすこしだけ修正していました👌🏻 Well written! I just changed the word order a little bit so that the post flows more naturally :) 私は、怠け者なのでスポーツをあまりしていないや見ていないけど、筋トレをするのが大好きです〜!🏋🏻‍♀️ I’m a little lazy, so I don’t really play or watch sports much, but I LOVE weightlifting. 日本では、本場の相撲の取り組みを見てみたいと思います!✨(やっぱ高いかもしれない) I’d love to see a real sumo match in Japan! 🇯🇵 But I imagine it’s really expensive to go see one 😭
September 28, 2023
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