I guess the decision of studying in abroad is very difficult among all of the general regular discussions. Studying in abroad is not only depends upon the study but also there has many factors like language barrier, food habit problems, new environment, and at last meeting with strangers. If the person is extrovert then it's superb but if not then it'll be the harsh problem. All are very crucial for staying in abroad. Academically it's good opportunity. Like we all dreamed of. Although it'll be a great opportunity and also a tough situation for daily life survival.
Sep 14, 2024 9:43 PM
Corrections · 2
Deciding whether to study abroad is one of the most difficult decisions a person can make. Studying abroad depends not only on the academics, but also on many factors, such as the language barrier, food habit problems, a new environment, and meeting strangers. If the person is an extrovert then it's great, but if not there will be problems. All these factors are very crucial when studying abroad. Academically it's a good opportunity that we all dream of but it may also be a tough situation for daily life.
'I guess' means you're not very sure, and is a weak opening for your paragraph. ABROAD means outside of the country - no preposition is needed. If you write for an academic purpose, get rid of contraction such as IT"LL - these are quite informal. SURVIVAL is pretty extreme, unless you mean studying abroad in a war zone. Good job overall!
Sep 15, 2024 6:41 AM
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