Felipe Brum
30 Days Challenge | Day 23 | Resumptions Some somethings happened during the last couple of days. I've been back to play drum at church, and a great co-work will leave the company. Also, I'll figure out some technologies that I don't like a lot. Although, it could be a good opportunity to show my value there and get a promotion. Talking about it, I've had a good day, I've written an analysis and figured out a solution. Then, I had an English lesson with my particular teacher. It was awesome, we've learned Present Perfect, and Simple Past. I still have some problems with the first one but I'm happy to be improving day by day. I am more confident and ready to apply to new challenges. So, let's browser through LinkedIn. #30dayschallenge #day23 #linkedin #englishlesson #cowork #leave #resumptions
May 23, 2022 7:57 PM
Comments · 6
Let's browse
May 24, 2022
Some things, the drum,
May 24, 2022