Is that sentence correct? I am furious for having had to wait so long.
Jan 2, 2023 12:45 PM
Answers · 8
I don’t know if it’s wrong but I don’t like the preposition “for” in this case. It sounds funny to me. I think you are furious about, at, with, … I’m furious about having had to wait so long. I’m furious at the organizers. I’m furious with the wait.
January 2, 2023
It is correct. If you had to wait for something or someone in the past, it's correct to use this structure after the wait is over. I was furious for having had to wait so long to go back to normal after the pandemic. I was furious for having had to wait so long for him to return my book.
January 2, 2023
Szia, Zoltán! Igen, it is correct. Did I tell you I once had a cat named Zoltán? It's a great name!
January 2, 2023
Is this sentence correct? I am furious for waiting so long.
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
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