Is it correct and does it sound natural? Sometimes I want to do something in a perfect way and because of that I don’t do anything. Is it healing? I guess “is it healing” sounds unnatural 😅 give me pls alternative ☺️
Dec 9, 2024 8:23 AM
Answers · 20
You could say? "Is that healthy?".
December 9, 2024
May be "Can it be fixed?" is better.
December 9, 2024
Your sentence is clear, but you're right that "is it healing" doesn't sound natural in this context. Here's a more natural alternative: * "Is that healthy?" * "Is that good for me?" * "Is that helpful?" For example: "Sometimes I want to do something in a perfect way, and because of that, I don’t do anything. Is that healthy?" This sounds more natural and fits the context better.
December 9, 2024
To help you, you’d first need to explain to us what you are trying to say
December 9, 2024
Your original suggestion is 100% unclear but there are several widely-known ways in English describing exactly the situation you describe in your response to other answers. ‘Perfectionism’ is an expanded form of ‘fear of failure’, I.e. ‘fear of being less than perfect’. An aphorism (attributed to Voltaire and originally in French) is ‘The best is the enemy of the good’. The opposite idea, perhaps your objective here, is well-described by the Nike advertising slogan ‘Just do it.’ I recognize that my perfectionism paralyzes me into inaction. I need to change that. Do you agree with the aphorism ‘The best is the enemy of the good’? I like how you get out there and just do things. I wish I could. (There is almost always a clear way to say things in English using short, common words!)
December 9, 2024
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