Hello everyone, Thank you all correction for my last writing! I appreciate it. Today, I will try to use a “stand”in sentence. I hope you involve me. A) I will stand by you because we’re friends. B) Her P.E ability stands out -. ( I could not last after “stands out”) C) I stand up for the knitting designer because her works are beautiful. D) I stand up for her even if she faces the difficulties like a divorce. E) He quitted a job. I stand in his shoes, and understand how he feels at workplace.
Sep 14, 2024 12:41 PM
Corrections · 5
Hello everyone, Thank you all for correcting my last post! I appreciate it. Today, I will try to use the word “stand”in a sentence. I hope you'll correct me. A) I will stand by you because we’re friends. B) Her physical abilities stands out compared to the rest of the group. ( I could not find anything to write after “stands out”) C) I stand up for the tailor because her pieces of work are beautiful. D) I stand by her while she faces difficulties like her divorce => to stand up for someone means to defend / fight for someone, when you want to say that you support someone, you should use "to stand by (someone)" E) He quitted his job. I stand in his shoes and understand how he feels at work.
Good job Yui, let me know if you have any follow up questions.
Sep 14, 2024 1:33 PM
Hello everyone, Thank you all correction for my last writing! I appreciate it. Today, I will try to use a “stand”in sentence. I hope you involve me. A) I will stand by you because we’re friends. B) Her P.E ability stands out -. ( I could not last after “stands out”) C) I stand up for the knitting designer because her works are beautiful. D) I stand up for her even if she faces the difficulties like a divorce. E) He quitted a job. I stand in his shoes, and understand how he feels at workplace.
A few edits: B) Her P.E ability stands out (from the rest). **Note: Your original sentence was great the way it was, but you can add the words in parentheses if you want something to follow "stands out". D) I stand up for her even if she faces difficulties like a divorce. E) He quit his job. When I stand in his shoes, I understand how he feels at his workplace. **Note: If I want to say that someone quit their main source of employment, I would say quit his/her job.
Sep 14, 2024 1:41 PM
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