Eggs? My favorite food. I switch between eggs from free range chicken, exotic black chicken (Indian limited range breed Kadaknath, Indonesian Ayam Cemani), duck, turkey and Japanese quail. Eggs are called anda in Hindi, deem in Bengali, eier in German and huevos in Spanish.
Dishes? There's the shahi andey (royal eggs) and anda biryani. Then there are nargisi koftey, effectively aromatic scotch eggs in exotic gravy. Finally I love eggs benedict (poached eggs over toasted muffins with ham or bacon, grated cheese and hollandaise sauce), French omelettes and the Spanish tortilla de patatas. And if one goes to egg based desserts, then anda halwa, souffles and meringue.
Note : There is still nothing to beat the perfect plain soft boiled, poached or sunny side eggs. The simplest are the best.