Hey Dom,
Long time no see. 作用 is some sort of function or effect:
動物試驗證實了這種新藥的抗癌作用 - Animal testing confirmed the anti-cancer effects of this new type of medicine (this medicine is effective in fighting against cancer)
過渡句的作用是承上啟下,使文章過渡自然 - the function of transitional sentences is to link what comes before to what comes after, and to make the transitions natural
雙語教學對外語學習的促進作用是不言而喻的 - The accelerating effects of bilingual teaching on the study of a second language are self-evident (speeds up the learning process)
他這種蚍蜉撼樹的舉動,對事情的發展,一點作用也沒有 - The small action he took had no effect on the development of the situation
起 means "start" or "begin". So 起作用 means "to cause an effect" or "to start having an effect"
在世界的進步中,起作用的不是我們的才能,而是我們如何運用才能 - In the improvement of the world, the thing that has an effect isn't our abilities, rather it's how we put them to use
家庭熏陶對孩子成長起很大的作用 - Family influence has a large effect on the raising of a child (i.e. how the child turns out)
老師的一番藥石之言對他也不起多大作用 - The teacher's advice didn't really have any effect on him
他在歷史上起了不可估量的作用 - He had an immeasurable impact on history