I haven't done a lot of research on this yet, but being involved with fitness and becoming a fitness model for next year, I spend a lot of time at the gym. However, I can never blog about my experiences in French, since I have no idea what any of the machines or the movements would be called. Perhaps I should also learn a little more anatomy in French when it comes to the different muscle groups.
Does anyone have any resources or French bodybuilding forums that I could check out?
Thanks so much!
I hope this link will match to your request : http://www.fitness-cardio-training.com/sommaire.html
watch videos on youtube will provide you the vocabulary for the movements and so on ;)
since maybe 2007, the nomenclature for anatomy have change around the world to be regularized... We use the a latin version. so, normaly, if you have learn it since then, it's ok. The problem is that the population didn't know this new nomenclature...
so maybe this could help you a little bit.