爱国是爱国,但这不是爱国! 今天网上公民都谈这张照片。北京后海恭王府附近的“百年卤煮”餐厅正面的门窗上贴出标语说“本店不接待日本人、菲律宾人、越南人和狗”。店主王先生说他贴上述标语是出于爱国。他还说许多顾客都很赞同他的做法。王先生说,他不在乎别人怎么说,他也不在乎做外国人的生意。我说王先生是个大骗子。 他的帖子不出于爱国,而是出于种族歧视。她说他不在乎做外国的生意, 但是若果他说的是真的,为什么帖上不说‘本店不接待外国人和狗’呢?为什么帖子只指出三种外国人呢?我认为王先生就是个种族主义者,也是一个狭隘偏执的人。 爱国是爱国,种族歧视不是爱国,种族歧视是种族歧视!!
Feb 25, 2013 11:16 PM
Corrections · 25


今天网上公民都谈(论)这张照片。北京后海恭王府附近的“百年卤煮”餐厅正面的门窗上贴出标语说“本店不接待日本人、菲律宾人、越南人和狗”。店主王先生说他贴上述标语是出于爱国。他还说许多顾客都很赞同他的做法。王先生说,他不在乎别人怎么说,他也不在乎(不)做外国人的生意。我说王先生是个大骗子。 他的帖子不(是)出于爱国,而是出于种族歧视。说他不在乎(不)做外国(人)的生意, 但是若or如果他说的是真的,为什么帖上不说‘本店不接待外国人和狗’呢?为什么帖子只指出三种外国人呢?我认为王先生就是个种族主义者,也是一个狭隘偏执的人。






February 26, 2013
whoops I made so many stupid mistakes! an open-mined* doesn't know how to*
February 27, 2013
correct: Mr. Wang's behavior was not sensible even as a patriot. (I made some spelling mistakes)
February 27, 2013
I agree with Tudousi that Mr. Wang is not a racist but a patriot. That the foreigners he mentioned were only restricted those from the three countries is because these three countries are having territory disputes. In terms of natioanlism, I agree with Ming, Wind and Kevin lee's comments. I don't approve patriotism. However, an individual has the right to be a patriot. Even though, Mr. Wnag's behaviour is insensible even as a patriot. He should've added some qualifications or at least not put dogs and the citizens together. In Chinese, it is the worst humiliation for people. Humiliating others is the weakest way to prove oneself. By the way, I don't think this is a commercial advertisement. After all, in my impression, Beijing is a open-minded city. If I lived there, I wouldn't go to his shop after I saw the slogan.Because this slogan impliess that probably the owner is narrow-minded and don't know how to respect an individual.
February 27, 2013
1 这只是极少数人的行为,不代表中国的主流民意,这类人和一些国家的极端民族主义者类似。 2 个人觉得和爱国主义无关,仅仅是哗众取宠的商业宣传手段而已。
February 27, 2013
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