分分钟需要你翻译的对吗? 分分钟需要你 Every minutes that I need you BY 林子祥 愿我会揸火箭 带你到天空去 Hope that I could fire a rocket and bring you to the sky 在太空中两人住 Just you and me live in the universe 活到一千岁 都一般心醉 We live for thousands years but we still in sweet love 有你在身边多乐趣 There are so much fun that I around you 共你双双对 好得尺好得意 I will always be with you all the time and I feel very good and happy 地暗天昏当闲事 I don’t care about the weather whether it dark all round 就算翻风雨 只需睇到你 Even it pour rain the only thing I will do is seeing you 似见阳光千万里 That makes me see the sunshine thousands away 有了你开心滴 乜部都称心满意 I feel very happy and everything seems gloat 咸鱼白菜也好好味 Even Cured fish and cabbage are delicious and taste good 我与你永共聚 分分钟需要你 I will be with you for ever cause I need you in every minute 你似是阳光空气 You are my sunshine you are my air 扮靓D皆因你 癫癫地皆因你 Cause you I pretend to be a cool man ,cause you I could be a crazy man 为你甘心做傻事 I can do stupid thing do it for you 扮下猩猩叫 睇到乜都笑 Learn a orangutan sound to make you laugh 有你在身边多乐趣 There are much fun cause you are here with me 若有朝失左你 花开都不美 If there had a day I might lose you flowers bloom could also make me sad 愿到荒岛去长住 I would love to live in a isolated island 做个假的你 天天都相对 Make a puppet of you and face you everyday 对木头公仔做戏 Play everything to you—puppet! -
Aug 9, 2014 5:44 AM