Leisure activities The pie charts illustrate the proportion of activities which American enjoy in their free time over a ten year period between 1999 and 2009. At first glace, it can be easily noticed that walking is the most popular activity that people in America chose to entertain in their free time in both 1999 and 2009. However, there were a number of differences in popularity between the various catogories. 2009 witnessed a slight increase in the rate of walking which American selected to enjoy in their free time, at around three tenth. It also can be observed that the number of soccer and camping categories rose slowly by 1% to 18% and 9% in 2009, respectively. The level of people who voted swimming doubled in 2009 to 18%. Aerobics were most likely uncommon in 2009, falling from 13% in 1999 to a small percentage. In 2009, bicycling and going jogging were no longer attracted more people to entertain in their pastime, at a tenth in total. 2009 saw a replace of yoga by weighlifting, with 10% of the number of people who voted it as their favorite leisure activities.
Jan 1, 2015 8:19 AM
Corrections · 1

Leisure activities

The pie charts illustrate the proportion of activities which American have enjoyed in their free time over a ten year period between 1999 and 2009. in 2009 as compared to 1999.

("Over a ten year period" is not incorrect but pie charts liek these are usually utilised to compare specific points in time.

Another way you could phrase it is: "The pie charts illustrate the changes that have occured in regard to favourite pasttime activities of Americans from 1999 to 2009")

At first glace, it can be easily noticed that walking is the most popular activity that people in America chose to take up in their free time in both 1999 and 2009.
However, there were a number of differences in popularity between the other various categories.

2009 witnessed a slight increase in the proportion of Americans choosing walking as their main leisure activity, walking which American selected to enjoy in their free time, at around three tenth reaching approximately one third. It also can be observed that the proportion of the soccer and camping categories rose (very) slowly, by 1% to 18% and 9% in 2009, respectively. The number of people who voted swimming doubled in 2009, reaching 18%.

Aerobics were most likely rather uncommon in 2009, falling from 13% in 1999 to a small percentage of 4%. In 2009, bicycling and going jogging were no longer attractive more people to entertain in their pastime, at a tenth in totalonly totalising 10%. 2009 saw the replace of yoga by weighlifting, with 10% of the number of people voting it as their favorite leisure activity.

January 2, 2015
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