Les Villain
Hi please help. A. Well, at least it is just a coffee. I have had worse things spilled on me. B. No, seriously. I feel terrible. Let me buy you a new shirt or something? A. That's very generous, but I think I will survive. B. No, I insist. I owe you at least a coffee, right. A.okay okay. How about this : you buy me a coffee, and I will call it even? What's " I owe you at least" in this sentence?
Dec 21, 2024 2:20 PM
Answers · 2
B. is saying that the minimum they can do, (as Pip says) to pay back the debt - in this case to compensate for the spilling of the coffee - is to replace the coffee by buying a new one. Probably they feel so guilty that they might also have considered paying for the cleaning of the shirt...
Dec 21, 2024 7:42 PM
‘To owe’ means that you must pay back a debt of some kind. For example, I paid for your first drink and now you owe me a drink.
Dec 21, 2024 5:21 PM
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