用中文我可不可以说‘谢谢你宽厚的话’? 用中文我可不可以说‘谢谢你宽厚的话’?Thank you for your kind words.o.k I have just had 安慰 suggested. Sorry Maybe my meaning is not clear. When we say this in English we would say, Thank you for your kind words. It means you are thanking someone for saying something nice about you, maybe they praised some work you did, or your great acting etc etc. Its quite formal. Kind here works like the word generous. Thank you for you generous words. 宽厚 means generous right?
May 13, 2011 4:15 PM
Answers · 17
Oh. I see what you mean. If someone praises some works you did, you could say 〝謝謝你的誇獎〞or just simply say 〝過獎了〞to express your modesty.
May 13, 2011
You can say:谢谢你的安慰!
May 13, 2011
我们很少这么说 可以换成 你的话真宽慰人 宽慰有点相当动词sooth
May 13, 2011
doesnt make sense u only use 宽厚 to describe ppl
May 15, 2011
you should say谢谢,it means thank you.
May 14, 2011
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