短暂和转瞬即逝有什么不一样? 短暂和转瞬即逝有什么不一样?
May 30, 2011 11:01 PM
Answers · 5
June 4, 2011
转瞬即逝 和 稍纵即逝 both of them have an other feeling,when you wanna to express the feeling of regret and you wanna talk to some people to cherish something like:爱情转瞬即逝,请珍惜你身边爱你的人。 知道失去我才发现,机会稍众即逝。 :P
June 3, 2011
短暂 is an adjective, you can say 有的东西很短暂, which means they don't last for long. 转瞬即逝 is a verb, which means " appear for a very short time and disappear for good". e.g 流星转瞬即逝。
May 31, 2011
短暂和稍纵即逝的意思都是形容时间很短,但是相对来说,稍纵即逝的时间要更加短暂些:Brief and fleeting time, both of described time is short, but relatively speaking, the fleeting time is short more and more.For example,(短暂)youth is short,time is short,i need to go;(稍纵即逝)rainbow is always fleeting. on the whole,you just remember that the time of fleeting is less than short is ok.
May 31, 2011
May 31, 2011
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