What is the difference between Quietness, silence and hush ? I've checked them out in dictionaries and the difference, when they are nouns, seems to me as follows 1. 'silence' carries the idea when there are no noise or sounds. 2. when we use quietness we don't emphasis an absence of noise. We usually mean 'calm' maybe because of silence but it doesn't matter and it can be any reason. 3. Hush is the same as silence and means 'no sounds around' but 'hush' suggests that it has just been a noise or a noise is expected. So 'hush' is silence just before or after noise. But I'm not sure about that. Could you please correct me ?
Jun 29, 2011 1:45 PM
Answers · 3
In my opinion, silence is more "quiet" than quietness. Quiet and "still" (and calm, peaceful, etc) usually go together well. Silent also seems more eerie. In a horror movie, things aren't quiet, they're silent. Hush as a noun is used almost exclusively in literature. And then, yes, I would say a hush suggests that there was noise and now there isn't. Less commonly, hush is used before noise, and then it would be foreboding. Otherwise it's mainly used as a slightly rude command to stop talking.
July 13, 2011
I studied these three words in my Oxford dictionary and I got the following conclusion of my understanding: Hush is used when there's no noise made by humans. Quietness emphasizes the peaceful atmosphere of the environment, including humans and other creatures. Silence indicates that there's no sound from the humans around, either big noise or soft words.
June 29, 2011
Just answering on my proper interpretation here. I would assume silence and quietness to be the same as in both meaning absence of sound. Quietness could be used to explicitely describe the presence of calm. In practical use of the words it seems to me that one would rather use the word 'silence' to describe the absence of speech or sounds of live beings, and one would use quietness more to describe the absence of other noises. Keep in mind this is a subjective answer. It's a very safe bet to completely use these two words interchangeably though, so no worries. I looked up 'hush' in the dictionary as it surprised me when you said 'noun'. Apparantly it does mean a silence after noise. But surely, i've never ever heard this word being actually used as a noun. It's a verb almost always used in the imperative form to quiet or to calm down someone, informal in use. Regards, Sertan.
June 29, 2011
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