interior & internal There must exist a difference between them two, or else both of them can't be in the same list to select.
Jul 18, 2011 8:40 AM
Answers · 4
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July 18, 2011
interior = interior of a building, or interior of a building-like organization opposite of interior = exterior Generally, the exterior must be visible, the interior is visible only if you go inside. The body's interior - the body can be considered a building-like structure Processes are internal or external.
July 18, 2011
interior is noun so means....inside. internal is adjective so means.....of or on the inside
July 18, 2011
They both have a very similar meaning; however one difference is that interior can be used as a noun or an adjective, but internal can only be used as an adjective. Example: The building's interior. (The inside of the building - a noun, a thing.) However internal can only function as an adjective. The building's internal space is very large. ( here internal (an adjective) describes the space as being internal, not external.)
July 18, 2011
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