What is the difference between "request" and "require" especially in terms of business English?
Jul 21, 2011 8:48 AM
Answers · 5
In business when 'requesting' a price list for example ,you are demanding it, you are asking the other party to provide a certain item or thing. The request is regarded more as a favor or something less essential in a business transaction. When you are 'requiring' something ,it means that you 'need' it to accomplish a certain task,you are also asking for it,but as an important requirement to close a transaction for example. Here is an example to make it clearer: - The company requested the delivery of a sample product in advance for quality assessment. (Here the company asked for something, that might not be a necessary item or part of the deal ,but it is more of an additional favor.) - The closing of the transaction required the firm to pay half the amount in advance. (Here it is an essential part of the deal to pay in advance, without it the transaction is incomplete and might not take place.)
July 23, 2011
require = need request = ask
July 21, 2011
On a side note: A request can be an implied command. The boss requests your presence - meaning no matter what you must go!
July 27, 2011
Request is to ask a person to do something or to express the need or desire while require is to make someone to do some thing consider obligatory. cowboy...
July 21, 2011
To request=to ask politely. To require=to need or depend on somebody or something
July 21, 2011
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