What's the difference between these words? The words are "Mad - Angry - Cross - Furious - Annoyed" those five, Please if there's another word that means the same, you may write it too Thanks in advance.
Aug 18, 2011 1:25 AM
Answers · 3
Here are some extra thoughts: Mad can also mean insane... this is the older meaning. Furious comes from the Latin "furia", meaning a rage or passion. Anger is related to feelings of pain and distress; in the modern sense this means emotional pain, though the physical sense is kept in the word "hangnail". Annoyed is related to the French "ennuyer", which actually means to make someone bored. The implications are "to be fed up with" and "bored", but the modern English meaning includes "irritated". Cross is a bit vague, the best way to imagine it is that your own opinion/feelings are at "cross-purposes" with something else. The general meaning is a feeling of disagreement. There are plenty of other synonyms. :)
August 18, 2011
In terms of intensity of 1 to 10, 10 being the most intense: furious - 9 (another word might be 'livid') mad, angry - 7 cross, annoyed - 3 or 4 Cross is general - you can be cross and not have a particular cause. Annoyed is specific - there is usually something in particular that annoys you. This is measured according to the internationally recognized metric scale for anger, as specified by the International Bureau of Standards in Paris, France. ;-)
August 18, 2011
Mad and angry mean the same thing, which is to say they both express a generalized emotion of anger. Cross generally means "upset," which is to say it represents the emotion somebody feels when they're angry about one thing in particular... i.e. "I must have offended Claudia the other day... she seems rather cross with me." In the USA, "upset" is used far more often. Furious means VERY mad... muy muy enojado :) Annoyed means that that somebody is irritated... that something is getting on somebody's nerves. Generally you get annoyed when something small happens, something that isn't quite enough to make you mad... i.e. somebody cuts in front of you in line, you can't remember where you put your keys, your kid is making a loud noise for no reason at all, etc. Generally, you get annoyed before you get mad. Hope this helps!
August 18, 2011
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